segunda-feira, 10 de junho de 2019

Deirdre McCloskey on the spot, in Buckingham, July 2019

Call for contributions: 1st Vinson Centre Workshop in Economics and Entrepreneurship
‘Growth in the modern world: Economics, knowledge and bourgeois ethics;
10 July 2019, Vinson Centre, University of Buckingham, UK

Opening keynote: 
‘Liberalism as Causal: How the Knowledge Society Became the Great Enrichment’
Deirdre McCloskey, University of Illinois at Chicago

This workshop will engage with key themes of Deirdre McCloskey’s Bourgeois Era trilogy, with a focus on the causes of the kind of economic growth triggered during the industrial revolution. Contributions are welcome both from economic and historical perspectives as well as cognate fields of inquiry, either reacting explicitly to the Bourgeois Era, or by drawing on research relating to themes advanced in the trilogy. Contributions of work-in-progress and from postgraduate students are very welcome. A limited number of travel grants are available to postgraduate students wishing to participate. Proposals should take the form of a short (250w) abstract, sent to by 19 June 2019.

Professor Matthias Klaes, FInstLM, FHEA
Director, Vinson Centre for Economics and Entrepreneurship
University of Buckingham

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