sexta-feira, 7 de junho de 2019

EUA-Mexico: chegando ao centro do problema, ilegais vs tarifas punitivas

Esse boletim representa a posição dos antiglobalistas americanos:

Apprehensions on southern border hit 144,278 in May as Trump readies 5 percent tariff on Mexico that will rise to 25 percent by October
The Daily Grind, June 7,  2019

Mexico needs to get illegal immigrants flowing unabated through its county under control, or else President Donald Trump warns that it will be hit with escalating tariffs on goods it ships to the U.S.: 5 percent starting on June 10, 10 percent on July 1 and then up to 25 percent by October. The tariff threat comes as illegal immigration on the southern border is spiking dramatically. Apprehensions on the southern border hit 144,278 in May, according to data compiled by the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol totaling 675,989 apprehensions for the fiscal year so far. That’s already more than all of 2018, which was 521,090.

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