terça-feira, 11 de junho de 2019

O Brasil no circuito mundial das migracoes para os EUA - Reuters

Mexico eyes Brazil for U.S. asylum deal as Trump revives tariff threat

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico and the United States may explore additional steps next month to restrict illegal immigration from Central America, with the threat of tariffs hanging over Mexico if it does not do enough to satisfy U.S. demands, officials said on Monday. 
Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard said Brazil, Panama, and Guatemala may need to be brought in to help if a deal unveiled last week between Washington and Mexico fails to reduce the numbers of U.S.-bound migrants crossing Mexico. 
The deal struck on Friday averted import tariffs on all Mexican goods, which U.S. President Donald Trump had vowed to impose unless Mexico did more to curb migration. 
The Trump administration said on Monday it could still apply tariffs if it judged that Mexico had not done enough, with U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo telling reporters it expected to see results within four to six weeks. 
The deal cut between the two nations last week means Mexico will expand a program under which migrants applying for asylum in the United States wait out the process in Mexico. Mexico also pledged to reinforce its southern border with Guatemala with 6,000 members of its National Guard militarized police. 
A major sticking point in last week’s talks was a U.S. demand that Mexico be declared a “safe third country” for asylum seekers, requiring them to seek refuge in Mexico if they passed through the country on the way to the United States. 
Mexico rejected that demand, though Ebrard revealed it would go back on the table if Mexico could not stem the flow of migrants heading to the U.S. border. 
“If we don’t have results on what we’re doing (in 45 days), we’ll start conversations on what they want, which is that Mexico will be a safe third country,” he told Mexican radio. 
Such a step would require the Mexican government to consult the Senate on how to proceed, Ebrard said. 
Trump said on Monday afternoon Mexico would soon announce an “undisclosed portion” of the deal that would have to be taken up by the Mexican Congress. He did not offer more details. 
“They have to get approval, and they will get approval. If they don’t get approval, we’ll have to think in terms of tariffs or whatever,” he told reporters at the White House. 
U.S. stocks were higher on Monday after the deal, easing worries about the impact of another trade war on the global economy. The Mexican peso rose more than 2% against the dollar. 
Mexico's Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard gestures as Mexico's President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador looks on during a news conference at National Palace in Mexico City, Mexico June 10, 2019. REUTERS/Gustavo Graf


Ebrard said that if Mexico could not contain the migrant flows, other countries might also need to be involved. 
Asylum seekers from El Salvador and Honduras first pass through Guatemala when fleeing their homes, while Cubans and Haitians often fly first to Panama before heading to the United States through Mexico. Migrants from African countries regularly fly to Brazil before making the arduous journey north. 
“If the measures we are proposing are not successful, we have to discuss with the United States and with other countries, like Guatemala, Panama and Brazil,” Ebrard said. “If we have to participate in a regional model like the one I have just described, we would have to present that to Congress.” 
    While he did not go into detail, Ebrard suggested that asylum seekers might have to seek refuge in the first country they reached after leaving their homeland. 
The governments of Brazil, Panama and Guatemala did not immediately reply to requests for comment. 
U.S. border officers apprehended more than 132,000 people crossing from Mexico in May, the highest monthly level since 2006. Trump, who has called the surge in migrants an “invasion,” had threatened to keep raising duties up to 25% unless Mexico did more to curb it. 
    Mexico had no specific target for the reduction of migrant numbers, Ebrard said. Still, Martha Barcena, Mexico’s ambassador to Washington, told CBS News at the weekend there had been discussion of reducing the numbers to levels of around 2018. 
Ebrard also said there was no agreement between the United States and Mexico to purchase more agricultural products under the accord, despite Trump saying over the weekend that Mexico had agreed to buy “large quantities” from U.S. farmers. 
Ebrard said he thought Trump might be making a calculation based on Mexican agricultural imports when freed from the threat of tariffs. 

Reporting by Dave Graham; Additional reporting by Roberta Rampton, Lesley Wroughton, Doina Chiacu and Makini Brice in Washington and Frank Jack Daniel, Diego Ore and David Alire Garcia in Mexico City; Writing by Alistair Bell; Editing by Rosalba O'Brien and Peter Cooney

Um comentário:

    - apesar de disporem de grande parte do planeta 'à sua medida'... globalization-lovers (ECONOMIC-NAZIS) destilam ódio/intolerância para com os povos autóctones que procuram sobreviver pacatamente no planeta... pois... intenções Identitárias prejudicam investimentos!...
    {economic-nazis -» não respeitam a existência de 'outros', ou seja: não respeitam NEM a diversidade, NEM a justiça social, NEM os povos de menor pegada ecológica]
    Economia neo-esclavagista: a ajuda aos pobres deve ser efectuada por meio da degradação das condições de trabalho da mão-de-obra servil... e não por meio da introdução da Taxa-Tobin.
    Existe uma tripla de 'supporters' da economia neo-esclavagista:
    1- a alta finança;
    2- europeístas (e afins);
    3- migrantes que se consideram seres superiores no caos.
    - Os «grupos rebeldes» (daesh e outros), não possuem fábricas de armamento... no entanto, máfias do armamento fornecem-lhes armas... para depois terem acesso a recursos naturais (petróleo, etc) ao desbarato, e para depois deslocarem refugiados para locais aonde existem investimentos interessados em mão-de-obra servil de baixo custo.
    Ora, em vez de chamar à responsabilidade aqueles países que estão a fornecer armas aos «grupos rebeldes», ou seja, os países aonde a máfia do armamento possui as suas fábricas... os europeístas fazem uma outra coisa: decretam sanções contra os países que não permitem a chegada de mão-de-obra servil ao desbarato (refugiados) aos investimentos interessados em tal.
    - Em pleno século XXI tribos da Amazónia têm estado a ser massacradas por madeireiros, garimpeiros, fazendeiros com o intuito de lhes roubarem as terras... muitas das quais para serem vendidas posteriormente a multinacionais: os europeístas falam nestes holocaustos? Não!
    Urge dizer à elite deste sistema o mesmo que foi dito aos construtores de caravelas esclavagistas: a não existência de mão-de-obra servil ao desbarato não vai ser o fim da economia... vão continuar a existir muitas oportunidades de negócio (exemplo: introduzindo mais tecnologia!...).
    O MOVIMENTO-50-50:
    1- defende um planeta aonde povos autóctones possam viver e prosperar ao seu ritmo;
    2- defende uma sociedade que premeie quem se esforce mais (socialismo, não obrigado)... mas que, todavia, no entanto... seja uma sociedade que respeite os Direitos da mão-de-obra servil.
    ---» Todos Diferentes, Todos Iguais... isto é: todas as Identidades Autóctones devem possuir o Direito de ter o seu espaço no planeta --»» INCLUSIVE as de rendimento demográfico mais baixo, INCLUSIVE as economicamente menos rentáveis.
    Nota: Os 'globalization-lovers', UE-lovers. smartphone-lovers (i.e., os indiferentes para com as questões políticas), etc, que fiquem na sua... desde que respeitem os Direitos dos outros... e vice-versa.
    -»»» blog http://separatismo--50--50.blogspot.com/
    Migrantes naturalizados são contra o separatismo-50-50... com efeito, o seu problema não é a integração... com a sua demografia imparável em relação aos nativos, o seu problema é serem Donos Disto Tudo.


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