terça-feira, 26 de novembro de 2019

Finance and Development: The Economics of Climate

IMF F and D
Dear Colleague,
It’s getting hot in here.
For the past several months, the F&D team has been working with some of the world's leading thinkers, researchers and practitioners inside and outside the IMF who specialize in the economic and financial impact of climate change policies.
In advance of COP25 next week in Madrid, today marks the launch of our December 2019 issue of F&D: The Economics of Climate, which points to concrete solutions—driven by technology, innovation, investment, and a dynamic private sector—that offer opportunities for growth. 
We hope you find this curated collection of cutting-edge research and insight meaningful and action-oriented.
  • The Adaptive Age: No institution or individual can stand on the sidelines in the fight against climate change // by Kristalina Georgieva
  • The Greatest Balancing Act: When it comes to sustaining the vital symbiosis between the economic and the natural world, we all can do more // by David Attenborough and Christine Lagarde
  • Carbon Calculus: For deep greenhouse gas emission reductions, a long-term perspective on costs is essential // by Kenneth Gillingham
  • Fifty Shades of Green: The world needs a new, sustainable financial system to stop runaway climate change // by Mark Carney
  • Putting a Price on Pollution: Carbon pricing strategies could hold the key to meeting the world’s climate stabilization goals // by Ian Parry
  • Investing in Resilience: Disaster-prone countries are strengthening their ability to withstand climate events // by Bob Simison
  • Climate Change and Financial Risk: Central banks and financial regulators are starting to factor in climate change // by Pierpaolo Grippa, Jochen Schmittmann, and Felix Suntheim         
  • Reaping What We Sow: Smart changes to how we farm and eat can have a huge impact on our planet // by Nicoletta Batini                
  • A Greener Future for Finance: The successes and challenges of green bonds offer lessons for sustainable finance // by Afsaneh Beschloss and Mina Mashayekhi
Every week for the next few months, we'll dig deeper into each article of this issue, collect feedback from experts like yourself, and spark a larger conversation by spotlighting your thoughts in upcoming newsletters. As always, to encourage a global dialogue, this issue will soon be available in español, français, عربي, русский, 中文 and 日本語.
If you have comments on this issue or ideas for future F&D articles, please write to me at rkanani@imf.org. I'd love to hear from you.
Rahim Kanani
Rahim Kanani
Digital Editor, F&D Magazine
International Monetary Fund
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