terça-feira, 5 de novembro de 2019

História econômica da China: melhor paper da lista - "John Stuart Mill and China"

Dear SHOE list,

The History of Economics Society is delighted to announce that this year's winner of the Best Conference Paper by a Young Scholar is Yue Xiao for her paper on John Stuart Mill and China: Peeking Behind China's Stationary State. The committee of Avi Cohen, Annie Cot, and Stefan Kolev found the paper original, well-structured, and elegantly written. In the paper, the author demonstrated her excellent knowledge of China's political, cultural, and economic history. The committee also wanted to share their delight that there are now young and talented historians of economic thought in China, which is excellent news for the discipline.

Yue Xiao completed her dissertation at the University of Illinois at Chicago with Joe Persky. She spent last year at the Duke Center for the History of Political Economy. She is currently a postdoctoral researcher and lecturer at the School of Business Administration at Zhongnan University.

You can find her paper on the HES website at

Marianne Johnson
Professor of Economics & Secretary of the History of Economics Society
College of Business
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh

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