segunda-feira, 2 de março de 2020

Ameaças à democracia brasileira - Columbia University

Please join us for a talk by Ivo Herzog (Chairman of the Board of the Instituto Vladmir Herzog)   on March 6th at 4pm in 802 IAB.  

The talk will be followed by a discussion with experts on Brazil from each of the co-sponsoring universities:
  • Barbara Weinstein (NYU)
  • Pedro Meira Monteiro (Princeton University)
  • Ralph Della Cava (Columbia)
Title: Threats to Brazilian democracy and the authoritarian and violent legacy of the dictatorship
March 6th at 4pm in 802 IAB 
Columbia University, New York, NY

Brazilian democracy is going through its worst moment since the re-democratization that took place after the end of the military dictatorship in 1985. Attacks and harassment against the press, teachers, social movements and human rights defenders; destabilisation and dismantling of state commissions, councils and bodies that enable the participation and influence of civil society in the construction and implementation of public policies; the growth of police violence, from apology to torture and violence, the militarization of politics and life; in short, we live under a government that not only does not respect democratic institutions and life but is systematically attacking and destroying them. The Bolsonaro government interrupted and dismantled the commissions and mechanisms of states that worked to promote Memory, Truth and Reparation to the victims of the military dictatorship and who were also beginning to make progress in the struggle for justice and for the reform of the violent and authoritarian institutions that we inherited from the dictatorship, such as the military police. I would therefore like to present an overview of this whole context from the perspective of those who suffered the violence of the dictatorship, but also of those who built one of the main organizations, the Vladimir Herzog Institute, which is fighting today in the country to prevent the dictatorship from returning to win democracy.

Ivo Herzog is the Chairman of the Board of the Instituto Vladmir Herzog. He has an engineering degree from the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo and holds a master's degree (MBA) from Michigan State University.  Ivo has more than 20 years of experience in private sector companies as project manager. He has experience in the public sector, having worked with the Secretary of Planning of the State of São Paulo, as well as over 10 years of experience in nonprofit organizations developing the activities of strategic planning, fundraising, project management and executive management of the Vladimir Herzog Institute.

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