domingo, 25 de outubro de 2020

Online Global Research Tactics for the 21st Century: FRUS - Presentation on archival resources available

 A organizadora (Victoria Philips) do evento sobre a pesquisa nos arquivos diplomáticos americanos – especificamente a série US Foreign Relations, volumes dedicados a temas ou períodos – enviou o link para a mais recente apresentação. A próxima é sobre os arquivos britânicos.

Thank you very much for attending the seminar yesterday [23/10/2020]. Please find a recording of yesterday's session here and a link to the slides here. If you have any questions, you may reach out to Michael or Joe by emailing the Office's account,, with a note that I advised you to contact them in order to follow up on our presentation.

If anybody wishes to reference the previous seminar from June, they will find the recording at this linkAccess Password: OnLineResearch2021!

[Era sobre os Arquivos Rockefeller e obras filantrópicas around the world, at: 

A apresentação gravada necessita autorização: 
Os slides estão aqui: 
Past presentation: 

The next seminar, Online Global Research Tactics for the Twenty-First Century: The National Archives, the UK Government Archive, will be held on the 13th November, 2 pm GMT. Please find an informational poster attached. If you have not yet RSVPed for the session and would like to attend, please respond to this email.

Thank you for your participation in this series, and we hope to see you again very soon!

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