quarta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2020

O 'longo telegrama" do Departamento de Estado sobre a China - Policy Planning Staff, Department of State (2020)

The Elements of the China Challenge

A Policy Planning Staff document from the Department of State

November 2020

Intro PRA: 

Recebi, do militar americano e professor Evan Ellis, que me chama de "colega", atualmente (e provavelmente até o final da administração Trump) no Policy Planning Staff do Departamento de Estado dos EUA, uma carta, cuja trancrição figura abaixo, que transmite um documento que ele pretende seja uma nova versão do longo telegrama de George Kennan, que fundamentou a doutrina de segurança nacional e de contenção do desafio representado pela União Soviética, desta vez dirigido CONTRA a China.

Sim, destaco contra, pois desde o Sumário Executivo, o espírito e o objetivo desse "longo telegrama", que pretende fundamentar as próximas décadas da doutrina de "segurança" dos EUA, estão claramente estabelecidos: 

Awareness has been growing in the United States — and in nations around the world — that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has triggered a new era of great-power competition. Yet few discern the pattern in China’s inroads within every region of the world, much less the specific form of dominance to which the party aspires. 

The CCP aims not merely at preeminence within the established world order — an order that is grounded in free and sovereign nation-states, flows from the universal principles on which America was founded, and advances U.S. national interests —but to fundamentally revise world order, placing the People’s Republic of China (PRC) at the center and serving Beijing’s authoritarian goals and hegemonic ambitions. 

In the face of the China challenge, the United States must secure freedom. 

Eis a carta de  de meu colega: 

Dear Colleague:
As you know, I do not traditionally use my distro list to share the works of others.  As we arrive at the end of the current Administration, however, and having personally had the honor of serving during the past year on the State Department Policy Planning Staff (S/P), I would like to make an important exception.

The enclosed document was written, and just publicly released by the State Department's Policy Planning Staff.  In the spirit of George Kennan's "Long Telegram," the enclosed is a thoughtful, comprehensive, wide-ranging look at the challenge presented by the PRC to the United States and the current world order, and a prescription for the US response.  It is the collective work of a group of exceptionally talented foreign service officers, civil servants, and others, many of whom I had the honor to work with while there.
It is not "policy," but deep thinking, from some of the most talented minds and relevant experience to offer it, on what is arguably the most important single challenge to face our nation.

Thank you for the opportunity to maintain contact through this medium.  For those for whom it applies, I wish you a good Thanksgiving, and good health for your families and loved ones... 

Dr. R. Evan Ellis
Research Professor of Latin American Studies 

U.S. Army War College Strategic Studies Institute
47 Ashburn Drive
Carlisle, PA 17013
Tel: (717) 245-4085
Cell: (703) 328-7770
Fax: (717) 245-3820

Coloquei esse longo telegrama à disposição de todos neste link: 


Para os que desejarem conhecer o verdadeiro "longo telegrama" de George Kennan, indico esta fonte, que aliás está no documento do PPS do Dept. State, primeira nota, p. 51: 

For another turn to authoritative assumptions and governing ideas to explain the conduct of a great power rival, see George Kennan, "The Long Telegram," February 22, 1946, https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu//coldwar/documents/episode-1/kennan.htm

A última nota, n. 200, p. 72, também remete a Kennan. 

Reproduzo aqui: 

  In one crucial respect, the China challenge resembles the one presented by the Soviet Union to the free world. Soviet authoritarianism combined communism and traditional Russian nationalism. 200 [Ref to Kennan, 1946] The Soviet synthesis governed the USSR’s quest to construct a worldwide socialist order with Moscow at the center. Similarly, Chinese authoritarianism combine communism and a hyper-nationalist interpretation of China status and destiny. The CCP synthesis governs China’s quest to construct a worldwide socialist order with Beijing at the center. 


Vou analisar o documento, que, descontando a paranoia, é muito bem construído, com equívocos fundamentais, mas que refletem inteiramente as angústias dos "estrategistas" americanos.

Paulo Roberto de Almeida

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