sábado, 19 de dezembro de 2020

BookBub: livros sobre o nazismo, sobre o bolchevismo, sobre as misérias do século XX, estão sempre em evidência...

Letters and Dispatches: 1924–1944


Letters and Dispatches: 1924–1944
By Raoul Wallenberg
Raoul Wallenberg saved the lives of thousands of Jewish people in Nazi–occupied Hungary… and then vanished in Soviet hands. In this fascinating collection, discover Wallenberg’s story in his own words. “A revealing epistolary portrait of one of World War II’s most daring heroes and mysterious victims” (Kirkus Reviews).

Hitler’s American Friends
Hitler’s American Friends
By Bradley W. Hart
Before World War II, the Nazi party had many sympathizers within the United States. This harrowing history of Hitler’s American supporters “will interest anyone who wants to know how nationalist movements succeed or fail” (Publishers Weekly).

The Gestapo
The Gestapo
By Jacques Delarue
“Nuanced… A well-researched book that clarifies many misconceptions” (Kirkus Reviews): The Gestapo was one of the most fearsome weapons in Nazi Germany’s arsenal. Based on interviews with ex-Gestapo agents, this in-depth account reveals the chilling inside story of the monstrous organization.

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