domingo, 21 de março de 2021

Mercosul e Brasil: onde estão a abertura econômica, a liberalização comercial, os investimentos estrangeiros? - Reunião do Comitê RTAs-WTO

Reunião do Comité de Acordos Regionais de Comércio da OMC


Nesta segunda-feira, 22/03/2021, o Comitê de Acordos Regionais de Comércio da OMC se reúne para examinar algumas dezenas (mais exatamente 51) de notificações relativas a acordos preferenciais de comércio, zonas de livre comércio e outros arranjos minilateralistas, como pude constatar ao receber a agenda da OMC:


Mon 22 Mar 10:00

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements — Formal Meeting

Delegates are advised to log into the WTO website to see restricted information

 Download all documents for this meeting (Zip file)


Nenhum, absolutamente nenhum, se refere ao Mercosul ou a qualquer um de seus países membros. Um único, solitário, se refere ao Peru, um de livre comércio de bens e serviços com a Austrália e outros do Reino Unido com vários países andinos. Um outro, ao Chile e ao mesmo Reino Unido. Vocês podem constatar pela agenda da reunião, que transcrevi abaixo, eliminando os links para cada um dos documentos.

Desde os anos 90, nunca deixe de me preocupar com o futuro do Mercosul. O bloco tem reunião neste dia 26, para supostamente comemorar os 30 anos da assinatura do Tratado de Assunção. 

Essa reunião, provavelmente, não vai dar em nada, mas não podemos deixar de discutir a questão. Transcrevo aqui os registros de alguns trabalhos, dentre os muitos que escrevi, sobre o futuro do Mercosul. 

583. “O Futuro do Mercosul: dilemas e opções”, Brasília, 21 setembro 1997, 29 p. Artigo elaborado como colaboração ao livro a ser editado por Paulo Borba Casella, MERCOSUL: integração regional e globalização, incluído em meu livro Mercosul: fundamentos e perspectivas (São Paulo: LTr, 1998) e republicado em nova versão na revista Integration & Trade (INTAL). Trabalhos nºs 638 e 647). Partes do texto reproduzidas no trabalho “O Mercosul no contexto global” e publicado in Celso Ribeiro Bastos e Cláudio Finkelstein (coords.), Mercosul. Lições do Período de Transitoriedade (São Paulo: Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Constitucional, 1998, p. 109-135). Relação de Publicados n. 227 e 233b.

2258. “O desenvolvimento do Mercosul: progressos e limitações”, Brasília, 31 março 2011, 29 p. Capítulo sobre o desenvolvimento histórico do Mercosul para livro sobre o Direito do Mercosul – Uniceub. Segunda parte serviu para o trabalho “Uma história do Mercosul (2): desvio dos objetivos primordiais”, na Revista Espaço Acadêmico (vol. 10, n. 120, maio 2011, p. 112-117; ISSN: 1519-6186; link: Destacada a primeira parte para compor o trabalho “História do Mercosul: origens e desenvolvimento” (2258b; 12 p.), para a Revista Espaço da Sophia (ano 5, n. 43, julho-setembro 2011, p. 63-79; ISSN: 1981-318X); Destacada a segunda parte para compor o trabalho: “História do Mercosul (2): crise e perspectivas no século XXI” (2258c; 17 p.), Revista Espaço da Sophia (ano 5, n. 44, outubro-dezembro 2011, p. 143-170; versão online: ISSN: 1981-318X). Postado no blog (link: Publicado in: Elisa de Sousa Ribeiro (coord.), Direito do Mercosul. Curitiba: Editora Appris, 2013; ISBN: 974-85-8192-208-9; cap. 3, p. 71-92. Relação de Publicados n.1033, 1038, 1050, 1102.

2392. “O futuro do Mercosul em debate: um contraponto necessário”, Paris, 14 maio 2012, 26 p. Comentários tópicos a artigo do Alto Representante do Mercosul, Samuel Pinheiro Guimarães, “O Futuro do Mercosul”, publicado no número inaugural da revista Austral, Revista Brasileira de Estratégia e Relações Internacionais (Porto Alegre, UFRGS, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Estratégicos Internacionais da UFRGS, vol. 1, n. 1, jan.-jun. 2012, p. 13-22; link: Divulgado no blog Diplomatizzando (várias postagens, resumidas neste post:


Title - HTML format 

162 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Implementation of the RTA transparency mechanism - Status of the preparation of factual presentations - Background note by the Secretariat - Revision 

89 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - List of RTAs which have appeared in factual presentations (issued up to 12 March 2021) and have not yet been notified to the WTO 

192 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Free trade agreement between the European Union and Singapore - Goods and services - Questions and replies

176 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Free trade agreement between Peru and Australia - Goods and services - Questions and replies 

82 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Notification of regional trade agreement - United Kingdom and Ghana 

124 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Communication by the European Union and the United Kingdom 

77 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Council for Trade in Services - Notification of changes affecting the implementation of a Regional Trade Agreement - European Union 

66 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Council for Trade in Services - Notification of regional trade agreement - ASEAN - Hong Kong, China Free Trade Agreement (AHKTFA) 

221 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Regional trade agreements subject to implementation reports - Updated as of 8 February 2021 

84 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreeme - Notification of regional trade agreement - United Kingdom, Papua New Guinea and Fiji 

73 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Council for Trade in Services - Notification of Regional Trade Agreement - The United Kingdom ("the UK") and the European Union ("EU") 

62 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Council for Trade in Services - Notification of regional trade agreement - Australia and Indonesia 

85 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Notification of regional trade agreement - Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Namibia, Mozambique, South Africa and the United Kingdom 

69 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Notification of regional trade agreement - United Kingdom - Switzerland and Liechtenstein 

64 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Notification of regional trade Agreement - Ukraine and Israel 

66 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Notification of regional trade agreement - United Kingdom and Israel 

63 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Notification of regional trade agreement - Accession of Comoros to the Interim Agreement establishing a framework for an economic partnership agreement between the Eastern and Southern Africa States, on the one part, and the European Union, on the other part Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles, Zimbabwe and the European Union 

862 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Factual presentation - Free trade agreement between the European Union and Singapore - Goods and services - Report by the Secretariat 

63 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Notification of regional trade agreement - United Kingdom and Kosovo 

93 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Council for Trade in Services - Notification of regional trade agreement - United Kingdom and Viet Nam 

69 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Council for Trade in Services - Notification of regional trade agreement - United Kingdom and Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama 

64 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Council for Trade in Services - Notification of regional trade agreement - United Kingdom and Ukraine 

844 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Factual presentation - Free trade agreement between Peru and Australia - Goods and services - Report by the Secretariat 

67 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Council for Trade in Services - Notification of Regional Trade Agreement - United Kingdom and Colombia 

66 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Notification of Regional Trade Agreement - United Kingdom and Lebanon 

86 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Notification of Regional Trade Agreement - United Kingdom and Samoa 

86 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Notification of Regional Trade Agreement - United Kingdom and Solomon Islands 

64 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Notification of Regional Trade Agreement - United Kingdom and the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) for the benefit of the Palestinian Authority of the West Bank and Gaza Strip 

95 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Notification of Regional Trade Agreement - United Kingdom and Kenya 

63 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Notification of Regional Trade Agreement - United Kingdom and Cameroon 

91 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Council for Trade in Services - Notification of Regional Trade Agreement - United Kingdom, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago 

67 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Notification of Regional Trade Agreement - United Kingdom and Canada 

64 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Notification of Regional Trade Agreement - United Kingdom and Côte d'Ivoire 

68 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Council for Trade in Services - Notification of Regional Trade Agreement - United Kingdom and Chile 

63 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Notification of Regional Trade Agreement - United Kingdom and Denmark in respect of the Faroe Islands 

64 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Notification of Regional Trade Agreement - United Kingdom and Egypt 

73 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Council for Trade in Services - Notification of Regional Trade Agreement - United Kingdom, Ecuador, Colombia and Peru 

62 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Notification of Regional Trade Agreement - United Kingdom and Seychelles, Mauritius, and Zimbabwe 

62 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Notification of Regional Trade Agreement - United Kingdom and Morocco 

87 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Notification of Regional Trade Agreement - United Kingdom and Norway and Iceland 

64 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Council for Trade in Services - Notification of Regional Trade Agreement - United Kingdom and Republic of Korea 

63 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Council for Trade in Services - Notification of Regional Trade Agreement - United Kingdom and Singapore 

82 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Notification of Regional Trade Agreement - United Kingdom and Tunisia 

65 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Notification of Regional Trade Agreement - United Kingdom and Turkey 

69 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Council for Trade in Services - Notification of Regional Trade Agreement - United Kingdom and North Macedonia 

63 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Council for Trade in Services - Notification of Regional Trade Agreement - United Kingdom and Republic of Moldova 

65 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Council for Trade in Services - Notification of Regional Trade Agreement - United Kingdom and Georgia 

64 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Council for Trade in Services - Notification of Regional Trade Agreement - United Kingdom and Japan 

60 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Council for Trade in Services - Notification of Regional Trade Agreement - China and Mauritius 

64 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Council for Trade in Services - Notification of Regional Trade Agreement - Peru and Australia 

64 KB

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Council for Trade in Services - Notification of Regional Trade Agreement - European Union and Singapore 




Um comentário:

  1. Embaixador, será q a pouca de importância do Mercosul se relaciona com o polo dinâmico do comércio internacional estar no pacífico e o Atlântico Sul perdido (ainda mais) importância?


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