quarta-feira, 23 de junho de 2021

Bancos Centrais querem continuar com o monopólio na emissão de moedas, desta vez as digitais - Relatório do BIS

 Trecho antecipado do relatório do BIS sobre as moedas digitais e a promessa de monopolização desse novo formato. O BC da China já se antecipou, com a proverbial truculência do país...

Paulo Roberto de Almeida


The BIS is releasing a chapter of its Annual Economic Report in advance:

III. CBDCs: an opportunity for the monetary system

Key takeaways
  • Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) offer in digital form the unique advantages of central bank money: settlement finality, liquidity and integrity. They are an advanced representation of money for the digital economy.
  • Digital money should be designed with the public interest in mind. Like the latest generation of instant retail payment systems, retail CBDCs could ensure open payment platforms and a competitive level playing field that is conducive to innovation.
  • The ultimate benefits of adopting a new payment technology will depend on the competitive structure of the underlying payment system and data governance arrangements. The same technology that can encourage a virtuous circle of greater access, lower costs and better services might equally induce a vicious circle of data silos, market power and anti-competitive practices. CBDCs and open platforms are the most conducive to a virtuous circle.
  • CBDCs built on digital identification could improve cross-border payments, and limit the risks of currency substitution. Multi-CBDC arrangements could surmount the hurdles of sharing digital IDs across borders, but will require international cooperation.
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Press release

The full Annual Economic Report and the Annual Report will be released on 29 June.

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