quarta-feira, 16 de março de 2022

"China Engages Latin America: Distorting Development and Democracy?", by Evan Ellis - and my response, Paulo Roberto de Almeida

I have just received a gentle communication from an American partner: 

16 de mar. de 2022, à(s) 19:12, R. Evan Ellis, PhD from Evan Ellis on Latin America and the Caribbean <evanellis@substack.com> 

What I have responded: 

Dear Ellis, 

        China is just following the path started by European colonialism and imperialism centuries ago, and followed by the US over the whole 20th century, imposing and disposing its hegemonic presence over the entire continent, support either democracies, or dictatorships, even helping some military coups when something was not going according to Washington.

China wants to become rich, as Europe and US did in their respective itineraries, and the best form to do that is to perform as the two previous hegemonic powers have done: investments, trade, finance, infrastructure, technical cooperation and so on. China is far behind to what was done by the two previous economic giants and arrogant superpowers, so Latin American countries will seek their own interests, despite all the talk about distorting democracy and development.
If these two criteria were in the forefront of European and American cooperation toward the region, LAC should already have attained a higher degree of economic and social development, and a democratic regime of superior quality. If not, both past and present hegemonic presence in the region was neither functional nor successful. Let’s try the Chinese experiment, which is basically based in trade, not development nor democracy, similar to those previous dominances. In due course, China will also cooperate in S&T and educational undertakings, equal as those conducted by Europe and US. 
There is no more chasse gardée for a single power...

Paulo Roberto de Almeida

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