domingo, 26 de junho de 2022

Mais um livro de Carroll Quigley, categoria teorias conspiratórias: The Anglo-American Establishment


The Anglo-American Establishment 

Paperback – June 1, 1981

Top reviews from the United States

Reviewed in the United States on October 3, 2018
Dr. Quigley was an interesting fellow, and a very good historian. His work on this subject is extensive, though this, the first of his works, laid in wait until his death. For those who are familiar with Dr. Quigley's work will appreciate the foundations laid in this book. Its a good place to start before approaching the monstrously long Tragedy & Hope.
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Reviewed in the United States on July 3, 2014
How real history is made. This book will disabuse you of all the false history you have learned through state sponsored and state controlled schools. Quigley gives names, dates and documents on the real shakers and movers who controlled geopolitics behind the scenes. Great read. See also Quigley's 'Tragedy and Hope' which is the basis of two other shorter and more readable books: 1) Gary Alan's famous book called None Dare call it Conspiracy and 2) Joseph Plummer's Tragedy & Hope 101: The Illusion of Justice, Freedom and Democracy. AT 200 pages, Tragedy & Hope 101 is a great primer for Quigley's larger 1,300 plus page book or even a great companion book.

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