segunda-feira, 24 de abril de 2023

China Embarrasses Macron on Europe - Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine (Editorial WSJ)

 Macron já tinha sido humilhado por Putin, ao tentar desesperadamente reter a invasão russa, anunciada diversas vezes por Biden. Agora está tentando convencer a China a parar com a guerra de agressão. Não conseguirá!

Mas, o embaixador chinês em Paris é um trapalhão: ignora os acordos feitos ao abrigo da Conferencia sobre Segurança e Cooperação na Europa (CSCE), com sede em Viena, e que cobriram inclusive as ex-repúblicas federadas da Ásia central. Ignora que os Estados bálticos foram perfeitamente independentes entre 1919 e 1940. Ignora a História e o Direito Internacional. Deveria ser chamado de volta a Beijing!

Paulo Roberto de Almeida 

China Embarrasses Macron on Europe

Beijing’s ambassador reveals China’s real views on sovereignty.

WSJ Opinio

By The Editorial Board

April 23, 2023 4:42 pm ET

Emmanuel Macron has been trying to triangulate between the U.S. and China, and it isn’t going well. China’s ambassador to Paris has now embarrassed the French President by declaring that the former nations of the Soviet Union aren’t really sovereign under international law.

China’s Ambassador Lu Shaye was asked on Friday on French TV whether he considered Crimea to be part of Ukraine under international law. In 2014 Russia occupied and annexed Crimea, which had been part of Ukraine since the dissolution of the Soviet empire.

Mr. Lu didn’t stop at Crimea. “Even these ex-Soviet Union countries do not have effective status, as we say, under international law because there’s no international accord to concretize their status as a sovereign country,” Mr. Lu said. The “as we say” is a nice diplomatic touch since the only international law that Beijing recognizes is what serves its increasingly imperial interests.

The diplomat is saying that the many countries that declared their independence when the Soviet Union dissolved aren’t independent at all. That would include Ukraine, but also the three Baltic states, Moldova, and the countries of central Asia like Georgia and Kazakhstan. The clear implication is that Russia is justified in its attempt to conquer Ukraine, and perhaps the other countries too.

The Baltic states are furious and said they’d summon the Chinese ambassadors to their countries on Monday. The French Foreign Ministry responded with what it called “consternation” at Mr. Lu’s remarks and said Beijing should “say if these comments reflect its position, which we hope not to be the case.”

What did the French expect? Mr. Macron kowtowed to China’s Xi Jinping on his recent trip to Beijing, saying that Europe shouldn’t take a side over Taiwan. He also beseeched Mr. Xi to use his influence to mediate a settlement to the Russia-Ukraine war. China spotted weakness, as it always does, and has now spat on the French President’s entreaties. Any diplomatic clarification will be a ruse.

China wants the right to snatch any territory it wants to take, including Taiwan, disputed islands off Japan and in the Western Pacific, and border lands with India and others. Maybe Mr. Macron will figure out he’s being played.

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