domingo, 23 de abril de 2023

Foreign Policy especial sobre a contraofensiva ucraniana para retomar terrenos conquistados por forças invasoras russas

 FOREIGN POLICY, April 23, 2023

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For months, there has been speculation over Ukraine’s spring counteroffensive. Now, as the weather gets warmer, observers are wondering: What is Kyiv waiting for? The reporting and essays below explore this question and more, delving into the reasons for the holdup, the innerworkings of Ukrainian military training and decision-making, and what the highly anticipated offensive might look like.—Chloe Hadavas

Ukraine’s Spring Offensive Is Waiting on Weapons Every day Kyiv waits, the Russians dig deeper trenches.
By Jack Detsch

Ukraine’s Longest Day The first 24 hours of the expected counteroffensive will likely be decisive.
By Franz-Stefan Gady

Crimea Has Become a Frankenstein’s Monster The Ukrainian government is now trapped by its own uncompromising—and increasingly indefensible—policy.
By Anatol Lieven

How Ukraine Learned to Fight Russia’s full-scale war started a year ago. Ukraine’s military started slashing its Soviet roots long before.
By Jack Detsch

Ukraine’s Leopard Tank Crews Are Trained and Ready to Fight Advanced tanks will be critical to any summer offensive.
By Elisabeth Braw

Photo: Paula Bronstein for Foreign Policy

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