segunda-feira, 3 de abril de 2023

The Real Story - Who will run the world in 20 years? - BBC Sounds

The Real Story - Who will run the world in 20 years?

BBC Sounds

“Muito boa análise da situação em que se encontram as relações entre as grandes potências. Os argumentos dos participantes me pareceram informativos, objetivos, ponderados e isentos de propaganda ostensiva, com exceção do chinês que representa uma entidade vinculada ao seu país. A BBC deu um exemplo do tipo de jornalismo que deu origem ao seu prestígio. 
Martin Wolf, referindo-se à invasão da Ucrânia mencionou a "estupidez humana", semelhante ao que ocorreu com a Primeira Guerra Mundial, dando também o exemplo de que a China, um país de 1.4 bilhão de habitantes, não tem necessidade de anexar os 22 milhões de taiwaneses. Simples e óbvio, mas nem por isso consensual. 
Uma analogia com a Segunda Guerra Mundial também é possível, pois ela foi desencadeada pelos três países do Eixo como uma guerra de conquista territorial que encontrou resistência das outras grandes potências. Até os slogans  se repetem: "Contemporaries and historians alike have explained the imperialism of interwar Japan, Italy, and Germany through the paradigm of a ‘NEW WORLD ORDER’ ("The fascist new-old order", Reto Hofmann, Cambridge University Press). Jubne 2017)”
Tomas Guggenheim 

The Real Story - Who will run the world in 20 years? - BBC Sounds

Who will run the world in 20 years?

At the end of a friendly meeting in Moscow, President Xi of China told President Putin of Russia that they are driving changes in the world the likes of which have not been seen for a century. Meanwhile this week President Biden kicked off a Summit for Democracy with $690m funding pledge to democracies all over the world and the European Commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, called on Europe to reassess its diplomatic and economic relations with China before a visit to Beijing next week. So what changes are President Xi talking about? Who will be running the world in 20 years time? Is conflict between rival powers inevitable? And is the model of western liberal democracy in decline? Owen Bennett-Jones is joined by: Evelyn Farkas - an American national security advisor, author, and foreign policy analyst. She is the current Executive Director of the McCain Institute, a nonprofit organisation focused on democracy, human rights, and leadership. Evelyn served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia under President Obama Martin Wolf - chief economics commentator at the Financial Times and author of The Crisis of Democratic Capitalism Professor Steve Tsang - political scientist and historian and Director of the China Institute at the SOAS University of London Also featuring: Henry Wang - founder and director of the Centre for China and Globalisation, a think tank with links to the Chinese Communist Party Nathalie Tocci - director of the Istituto Affari Internazionali and an honorary professor at the University of Tübingen Photo: Russia's Putin holds talks with China's Xi in the Kremlin in Moscow on March 21, 2023 / Credit: Reuters Produced by Rumella Dasgupta and Pandita Lorenz 

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