sexta-feira, 29 de setembro de 2023

A Rússia senpre foi autocrática -J. S. Oppenheimer

 The history of Russia starts with Viking and Varangian adventurers and migrants into the soil poor land north and east of Europe. From about the 6th->10th Centuries, the Turkic and whole tribal converted Khazar Kingdom of the Jews defended Ukraine. The drive has been always south and the reach in trade to the middle East (Baghdad).

The McGill U.  source I've used in relation to the origins of Russian-driven anti-Semitism seems to have disappeared from the web.  Here is a….

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Although Tsar Nicholas II appears to have fiddled with the notion of constitutional monarchy, the temper and revolution of the Bolsheviks delivered an authoritarian state. Earlier threats, e.g., Black Hundreds (loyalist reactionaries) and the Okhrana (secret political police) long ago set the state for the Cheka->FSB and both punitive and thieving state management.

Also regarding Russia's soil and related anthropology in the northwestern passage and east-->

Pipes, Richard.  Russia Under the Old Regime: The History of Civilization.  New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1974.

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