quarta-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2024

“A Ucrânia NÃO DEVE EXISTIR”: Dmitry Medvedev - Anton Geraschenko

 Não sei se Lula, Amorim ou qualquer um dos seus assessores diplomáticos concordariam com os argumentos rudes do vice-presidente do Conselho russo de Segurança sobre a inutilidade de se pensar sobre a existência da Ucrânia. Pelo menos ele é sincero…

From: Anton Geraschenko

Today Dmitry Medvedev, deputy chairman of the Security Council of Russia, once again wrote in his Telegram channel that Ukraine should be destroyed as an independent state and that the only option that Russia offers for Ukrainians is to live in an empire:

"The existence of Ukraine is deadly for Ukrainians. And I am not at all referring only to the current state, the Bandera political regime. I am talking about any, absolutely any Ukraine. 

No matter how much they aspire to the mythical European Union and NATO. When choosing between eternal war and inevitable death and life, the absolute majority of Ukrainians (except for a minimal number of sick nationalists) will eventually choose life. They will realize that life in a big common state, which they do not love much now, is better than death. Their death and the death of their loved ones. And the sooner Ukrainians realize this, the better." - he wrote.

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