domingo, 10 de março de 2024

Mensagem de Volodymyr Zelensky, depois dos últimos bombardeios russos contra a Ucrânia


Volodymyr Zelenskyy / Володимир Зеленський
Russian murderers and torture chambers are unable to march further into Europe because they are being held back by Ukrainians holding arms under the blue and yellow flag. There used to be many white walls of houses and churches in Ukraine, but they have now been burned and damaged by Russian shells. This speaks volumes about who needs to stop for the war to end. Everyone who defends life and people is carrying out the most honourable mission possible in the face of such an inhumane invasion. And we must fully protect life in our home. I am grateful to everyone who supports our defense and defenders. When Russian evil launched this war on February 24th, 2022, all Ukrainians rose up to defend their country. Christians, Muslims, Jews — everyone. And I am grateful to each chaplain who is with the army, in our defense forces, on the frontlines, protecting life and humanity. Those who support others through prayer, conversation, and actions. This is what the Church is: one with the people. Not two and a half thousand kilometers away—somewhere, looking for a virtual meditation between those who want to live and those who want to destroy you. I am grateful to everyone in and with Ukraine who is making every effort to protect life. I thank everyone who helps, who is truly close in deeds and prayers.

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