terça-feira, 21 de maio de 2024

A destruição maciça perpetrada por Putin em sua guerra de agressão contra a Ucrânia - CDS

Não sei se Lula, seu governo, ou a diplomacia brasileira tomam conhecimento ou se interessam por esse tipo de destruição gratuita, assassina, terrorista: 


  • According to information provided by the Situation Center of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Russian forces shelled 13 regions of Ukraine over the past day. A total of 115 towns and villages and 150 infrastructure objects were attacked with various types of weapons. The number of casualties is being updated/clarified.

  • On the night of May 21, Russian forces attacked Ukraine with 29 attack UAVs of the "Shahed-131/136" type, 28 of them were shot down.

  • During the night of May 20-21 in Kharkiv, the occupiers attacked one of the favorite leisure spots of local residents. Four people were injured.

  • The enemy struck Kharkiv throughout the night. Debris from enemy "Shahed" drones was found at four locations. According to the State Emergency Service, 5 people were injured as a result of the Russian "Shahed" attack. At 7:05 AM, the Russians launched a missile strike on a transport infrastructure facility, injuring a 53-year-old civilian man. As a result of the shelling, 25 trucks and buses and 3 cars were damaged.

  • On May 21, Russian forces launched drone strikes on a police vehicle evacuating people from the Vovchansk community. The law enforcement officer suffered a concussion.

  • On Tuesday, May 21 Russian forces dropped explosives from a drone on the village of Antonivka in Kherson Oblast, resulting in injuries to three women.

  • On May 21, Russian forces targeted the Shumenskyi neighborhood in Kherson. An apartment building was hit, injuring three people, including a 15-year-old boy.

  • Russian forces launched a missile strike on Konotop in Sumy Oblast, damaging industrial infrastructure. The consequences of the Russian attack are being clarified.

  • The Russian occupation authorities have declared thousands of apartments and houses in the occupied territories of Ukraine as "ownerless property" and intend to confiscate them for the benefit of the state. According to calculations by "Novaia Gazeta Europa," over three years, the occupation administrations have identified 13.3 thousand "ownerless" real estate objects, half of which were identified in less than the full year of 2024.

  • According to Petro Andryushchenko, an advisor to the Mayor of Mariupol, up to 80,000 Russians have arrived and are currently residing in Mariupol, which is temporarily occupied by the Russian army. Russia's aggression has led to one of the largest humanitarian catastrophes in Mariupol. The city is nearly 90% destroyed due to shelling. The occupiers are also demolishing damaged buildings to conceal the evidence of their crimes. During the blockade and occupation, Russian forces destroyed 50% of the city's high-rise buildings—934 buildings in total, of which 465 have already been demolished. Over 52,000 apartments of Mariupol residents have been destroyed.

Centre for Defence Strategies (CDS) is a Ukrainian security think tank. We operate since 2020.

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