terça-feira, 4 de junho de 2024

A "desrussificação" da Europa central e oriental começando pelos Estados bálticos

Uma série de videos extremamente úteis na compreensão dos fundamentos históricos e das implicações geopolíticas contemporâneas sobre a resistência dos povos da Europa central e oriental contra as ameaças colocadas pelo expansionismo da Rússia liderada por Vladimir Putin: 


How War In Ukraine is DERUSIFYING Baltic States

The Military Show

Explore how Lithuania and the Baltic states are actively derussifying and standing strong against Russian influence. 🇱🇻🇪🇪 Learn about their historical struggles, current political actions, and unwavering support for Ukraine. 🇺🇦✊ Understand why  these countries are drawing a clear line in the sand, rejecting Russian cultural and political presence, and leading the charge for a free and independent future. 🌍🚫 #Derussification #Lithuania #Latvia #Estonia#StandWithUkraine #BalticSolidarity #NoToRussianAggression #HistoricalStruggles #PoliticalActions #EuropeanUnity#Bal 


Why Kaliningrad Will be Ukraine 2.0

The Military Show
To the outside world, Kaliningrad is simply a part of Russia 🌍. But change is brewing in this western exclave. From a strategic military hub 🛡️ to a potential flashpoint for conflict ⚔️, Kaliningrad's future hangs in the balance. Could it become Ukraine 2.0? 🇺🇦 Dive into Kaliningrad’s complex history and evolving geopolitical significance in our latest video. #Kaliningrad #Russia #Geopolitics #Ukraine #BalticStates #NATO #Military #History #Conflict #Europe#WorldWarIII #BalticSea #Lithuania

How the US and UK’s Aid Package to Ukraine Will Destroy Putin

🇺🇦 Ukraine has faced immense challenges in its war with Russia, with significant losses including Avdiivka. However, new aid packages from the U.K. and U.S. are set to turn the tide. Massive military support is boosting Ukraine's defenses, potentially derailing Putin's ambitions. Join us as we explore how this seismic shift could reshape the war's outcome. 🌍✊ #UkraineWar #StandWithUkraine #UKAid #USAid #Putin #MilitarySupport #TurningTheTide #RussiaUkraineWar#DefendUkraine #SupportUkraine #UkraineStrong #FreedomForUkraine #EndTheWar #ww3 #worldwar3  #GlobalSu 

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