domingo, 2 de junho de 2024

Russia se empenha em sabotar a conferência da paz na Ucrânia: China e Brasil se opõem à conferência

 At the Forum in Singapore, President Zelensky said that unfortunately, Beijing is talking the countries of "Global South" out of participating in the Peace Summit in Switzerland, suggesting instead a plan of de-facto "freezing the war" - which suits Russia.

We are currently observing a true diplomatic combat between Ukraine and Russia.

Russia puts in a great deal of effort to oppose the Swiss Peace Summit. Why is that?

‼️Diplomatic positions regarding the war in Ukraine and diplomatic participation are extremely important, as each participation and non-participation will be a clear demonstration of whose side the country is on.

The more countries and global leaders support Ukraine and our view of peace, the stronger Ukraine's position will be. And not just Ukraine's - of international law, democracy, respecting territorial integrity all over the world.

This will be a loud and clear demonstration of values.

That's why presence at the Swiss Peace Summit is so important.

That's why the presence of President Biden @POTUS is so important!

Friends, I ask you to share this as widely as possible to help this message reach anyone who needs to hear it.


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