domingo, 29 de setembro de 2024

The Pact for the Future, global digital compact, and declaration on future generations (United Nations)

The Pact for the Future, global digital compact, and declaration on future generations (United Nations)

he Pact for the Future, global digital compact, and declaration on future generations: Summit of the future outcome documents published by United Nations (2024)

The Pact for the Future 1. We, the Heads of State and Government, representing the peoples of the world, have gathered at United Nations Headquarters to protect the needs and interests of present and future generations through the actions in this Pact for the Future. 2. We are at a time of profound global transformation. We are confronted by rising catastrophic and existential risks, many caused by the choices we make. Fellow human beings are enduring terrible suffering. If we do not change course, we risk tipping into a future of persistent crisis and breakdown. 3. Yet this is also a moment of hope and opportunity. Global transformation is a chance for renewal and progress grounded in our common humanity. Advances in knowledge, science, technology and innovation could deliver a breakthrough to a better and more sustainable future for all. The choice is ours.

65 p.



Table of Contents


The Pact for the Future  1

I. Sustainable development and financing for development  3


Action 1. We will take bold, ambitious, accelerated, just and transformative actions to implement the 2030 Agenda, achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and leave no one behind. 4

Action 2. We will place the eradication of poverty at the centre of our efforts to achieve the 2030 Agenda.  . 4

Action 3. We will end hunger and eliminate food insecurity and all forms of malnutrition.  4

Action 4. We will close the Sustainable Development Goal financing gap in developing countries.  5

Action 5. We will ensure that the multilateral trading system continues to be an engine for sustainable development.  . 6

Action 6. We will invest in people to end poverty and strengthen trust and social cohesion.  . 7

Action 7. We will strengthen our efforts to build peaceful, just and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels and uphold human rights and fundamental freedoms.    7

Action 8. We will achieve gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls as a crucial contribution to progress across all the Sustainable Development Goals and targets.  8

Action 9. We will strengthen our actions to address climate change. 8

Action 10. We will accelerate our efforts to restore, protect, conserve and sustainably use the environment.  10

Action 11. We will protect and promote culture and sport as integral components of sustainable development.  11

Action 12. We will plan for the future and strengthen our collective efforts to turbocharge the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by 2030 and beyond.  . 12


II. International peace and security  . 12


Action 13. We will redouble our efforts to build and sustain peaceful, inclusive and just societies and address the root causes of conflicts.  12

Action 14. We will protect all civilians in armed conflict. 13

Action 15. We will ensure that people affected by humanitarian emergencies receive the support they need.  14

Action 16. We will promote cooperation and understanding between Member States, defuse tensions, seek the pacific settlement of disputes and resolve conflicts.  14

Action 17. We will fulfil our obligation to comply with the decisions and uphold the mandate of the International Court of Justice in any case to which our State is a party.  . 15

Action 18. We will build and sustain peace.    15

Action 19. We will accelerate the implementation of our commitments on women, peace and security. 16

Action 20. We will accelerate the implementation of our commitments on youth, peace and security.  17

Action 21. We will adapt peace operations to better respond to existing challenges and new realities. 17

Action 22. We will address the serious impact of threats to maritime security and safety. 18

Action 23. We will pursue a future free from terrorism.  . 18

Action 24. We will prevent and combat transnational organized crime and related illicit financial flows.  19

Action 25. We will advance the goal of a world free of nuclear weapons.  19

Action 26. We will uphold our disarmament obligations and commitments.  . 20

Action 27. We will seize the opportunities associated with new and emerging technologies and address the potential risks posed by their misuse.


III. Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation  . 21


Action 28. We will seize the opportunities presented by science, technology and innovation for the benefit of people and planet.  22

Action 29. We will scale up the means of implementation to developing countries to strengthen their science, technology and innovation capacities. 22

Action 30. We will ensure that science, technology and innovation contribute to the full enjoyment of human rights by all.   23

Action 31. We will ensure that science, technology and innovation improve gender equality and the lives of all women and girls.  24

Action 32. We will protect, build on and complement Indigenous, traditional and local knowledge.  24

Action 33. We will support the Secretary-General to strengthen the role of the United Nations in supporting international cooperation in science, technology and innovation. 24

IV. Youth and future generations. 25

Action 34. We will invest in the social and economic development of children and young people so that they can reach their full potential.  . 25

Action 35. We will promote, protect and respect the human rights of all young people and foster social inclusion and integration.  26

Action 36. We will strengthen meaningful youth participation at the national level. 27

Action 37. We will strengthen meaningful youth participation at the international level. 27

V. Transforming global governance  . 28

Action 38. We will transform global governance and reinvigorate the multilateral system to tackle the challenges, and seize the opportunities, of today and tomorrow. 28

Action 39. We will reform the Security Council, recognizing the urgent need to make it more representative, inclusive, transparent, efficient, effective, democratic and accountable. 29

Action 40. We will strengthen our efforts in the framework of the intergovernmental negotiations on Security Council reform as a matter of priority and without delay.    29

Action 41. We will strengthen the response of the Security Council for the maintenance of international peace and security and its relationship with the General Assembly.  30

Action 42. We will increase our efforts to revitalize the work of the General Assembly . 30

Action 43. We will strengthen the Economic and Social Council to accelerate sustainable development. 31

Action 44. We will strengthen the Peacebuilding Commission.  31

Action 45. We will strengthen the United Nations system.  32

Action 46. We will ensure the effective enjoyment by all of all human rights and respond to new and emerging challenges.   32

Action 47. We will accelerate reform of the international financial architecture to address the challenges of today and tomorrow. 33

Action 48. We will accelerate reform of the international financial architecture to strengthen the voice and representation of developing countries.  . 33

Action 49. We will accelerate reform of the international financial architecture to mobilize additional financing for the Sustainable Development Goals, respond to the needs of developing countries and direct financing to those most in need.   34

Action 50. We will accelerate the reform of the international financial architecture so that countries can borrow sustainably to invest in their long term development. 35

Action 51. We will accelerate the reform of the international financial architecture to strengthen its capacity to support developing countries more effectively and equitably during systemic shocks and make the financial system more stable.   36

Action 52. We will accelerate the reform of the international financial architecture so that it can meet the urgent challenge of climate change.  . 37

Action 53. We will develop a framework on measures of progress on sustainable development to complement and go beyond gross domestic product. 37

Action 54. We will strengthen the international response to complex global shocks. 38

Action 55. We will strengthen our partnerships to deliver on existing commitments and address new and emerging challenges.  38

Action 56. We will strengthen international cooperation for the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes and for the benefit of all humanity . 39

Annex I  40

Global Digital Compact. 40

Objectives    40

Principles. 41

Commitments and actions  . 42

Objective 1. Close all digital divides and accelerate progress across the Sustainable Development Goals  . 42

Objective 2. Expand inclusion in and benefits from the digital economy for all  45

Objective 3. Foster an inclusive, open, safe and secure digital space that respects, protects and promotes human rights 46

Objective 4. Advance responsible, equitable and interoperable data governance approaches. 50

Objective 5. Enhance international governance of artificial intelligence for the benefit of humanity. 52

Follow-up and review . 54

Annex II. 56

Declaration on Future Generations. 56

Preamble 56

Guiding principles. 57

Commitments  58

Actions  60




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