segunda-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2010

1315) Colecao Brasilianista na Biblioteca Nacional de Brasilia

Brasilianistas: Call to Donate Your Works to the Biblioteca Nacional de Brasília

Coleção Brasilianista

The Biblioteca Nacional de Brasília, part of the complex of the Museu da República where the opening ceremony of BRASA X will take place on July 22nd, has created a space for a collection of works on Brazil by “brasilianistas.” The following link gives some background information on the library and its initiatives in Brasília:

The library’s director Antonio Lisboa Carvalho de Miranda, a member of the Academia de Letras do Distrito Federal, has requested copies of scholarly books from BRASA members to inaugurate this special collection. BRASA Past President Ken Serbin, current President Peggy Sharpe and Vice President Randal Johnson visited the library in June 2009, saw the site for the new collection, and discussed a contribution of works by BRASA members with Prof. Miranda at that time.

BRASA invites all members to send copies of their published works for this special collection at the Biblioteca Nacional de Brasília. Books, DVDs and other scholarly materials should be received by the BRASA Secretariat before March 30, 2010. Please
mail materials to: BRASA, Vanderbilt University, VU Station B 350031, 2301 Vanderbilt Place, Nashville, TN 37235-0031. The Secretariat will arrange for shipment of the materials to Brazil in April.

Please direct any questions about this initiative to Peggy Sharpe at or Marshall Eakin at

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