sexta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2010

Inflacao na China, e no Brasil

Revoltas contra os aumentos de preços costumam ser violentos na China, como relata esta pequena matéria da Economist. Mas não adianta culpar os americanos pelo aumento de preços na China, pois como também indica a matéria o aumento do meio circulante na China foi muito mais importante do que nos EUA, para uma economia duas ou três vezes menor.
Seria interessante conhecer de quanto aumento o M2 brasileiro, uma vez que o governo vem aumentando o crédito e os gastos de maneira quase irresponsável. Não se deveria reclamar, em seguida, se o BC aumentar os juros, em virtude de a inflação estar superando não apenas o centro da meta, mas ameaçando ultrapassar a banda fixada (que vai até 6,5%, cabe lembrar).

The canteen vigilantes
The Economist, November 26th, 2010, 10:05
FORGET the bond-market vigilantes. In China, rising inflation has invited swift and terrible retribution from over a thousand rampaging schoolkids, who trashed their canteen in Guizhou province after the school raised the price of school dinners and bottled water. The South China Morning Post has the story (subscription required) and the pictures.
The disagreement among China-watchers about the roots of the country’s inflation is almost as violent. Like the company running the school canteen, many economists blame the rising price of vegetables and fruit. But this is “a lot of guff”, argues Arthur Kroeber of Dragonomics, an economics consultancy. “Food prices,” he says, are “an expression of inflation, not its cause.”
I wouldn’t go that far. But I share his scepticism about the other excuse Chinese officials like to offer: the Fed. They trash its monetary policy as enthusiastically as the schoolkids trashed their canteen. Its easy money, they argue, has raised global commodity prices and spurred hot-money inflows.
But despite its best efforts, the Fed has only succeeded in raising America’s broad money supply (as measured by seasonally-adjusted M2) to about $8.8 trillion. China’s central bankers, on the other hand, have increased China’s M2 to almost 70 trillion yuan, or $10.5 trillion. As Mr Kroeber points out, China has a greater quantity of money circulating in an economy a third of the size. Who is calling whom easy?

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