sábado, 3 de dezembro de 2011

Brazil in King's College - London

MA Brazil in Global Perspective
King's Brazil Institute, King's College London
Deadline:7 September 2012 for 2012 entry

The programme provides high quality postgraduate teaching and research training for students wishing to specialise on Brazil, either out of academic interest or as preparation for a career related to Brazil.
Contact information:
Jacqueline Armit, brazil-institute@kcl.ac.uk, +44 (0)20 7848 2542

Additional information:
The MA offers students a distinctive approach to understanding recent changes in Brazil and the causes and impact of its social, cultural, economic and political development. It includes examination of issues such as industrialisation, urbanisation, economic growth and globalisation; oscillation between military
and civilian rule; mass movements demanding a variety of civil, political, and economic rights; complicated and contested constitutional, legal and political reforms; and cultural and social change. In addition to broadening and deepening students' understanding of modern Brazil, the programme demonstrates the value of a variety of different theoretical perspectives and research methods used in the analysis of the country. The programme also allows students to study Brazil in global and comparative perspective: on the one hand, it will be possible to compare Brazil with the emerging powers China and India by taking modules offered by King's China and India Institutes; on the other, it will be possible to situate Brazil within its regional context, by taking optional modules on Latin America.

The programme is offered by the King's Brazil Institute, which seeks to promote an understanding of Brazil and develop the profile of Brazilian studies at university level in the UK, whilst also building links with Brazilian organizations in education, the cultural and creative sectors, business and government.

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