sábado, 18 de fevereiro de 2012

Wanted: World Economics Association looks for more Brazilian economists

Dear Economist in Brazil,

Ten years ago the International Development Economics Associates (IDEAs) http://www.networkideas.org/  was established with the purpose of building a pluralist and primarily South-based network of heterodox economists engaged in the teaching, research and application of critical analyses of economic development.  IDEA’s membership now includes over 3,000 economists.  But still more members are wanted.  You can sign up for free with IDEAs by going to http://www.networkideas.org/misc/reg1.htm   By doing so you will be adding to the voice of South-based economists.

You are one of 218 World Economics Association members from Brazil.  We would like more members from Brazil.  Now with over 7,000 members in total, the WEA hopes to have 10,000 members by May 18 when it will be one year old.   You can help by forwarding this email to other economists.  Below is a list of benefits that members will receive.  And membership is free.

Edward Fullbrook
WEA organizer

Join the World Economics Association for free here and you will:
·         Receive by email the entry page for each issue of the
World Economics Journal (first issue expected late March)
Economic Thought (first issue expected late March)
·         Have access to the WEA Article Review: A forum for review of proposed articles for the World Economics Journal and Economic Thought
·         Receive the World Economics Association Newsletter (bi-monthly)
·         Have access to WEA online Conferences
Economic indicators
Latin America: the economy and economics
Social capitalism and custodial regulation
·         Be part of a large global community of economists committed to bringing economics into the 21st century and freeing the profession from the grip of a tiny nationalistic elite.

You can join the WEA here and IDEAs here.

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