sexta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2012

Companheiros: a luta continua...

Não, não se trata de nenhum apelo político militante; simplesmente da luta patentária entre dois gigantes das tecnologias de informação e de comunicação.
Depois da recente vitória da Apple contra a Samsung, a luta continua nos tribunais...

Court adds iPhone 5, Galaxy Note 10.1 and Galaxy S III to patent lawsuit
Kelly Hodgkins

Both Samsung and Apple may expand their patent infringement claims to include recently released devices, says a report in Computerworld. A California judge handed down an order that let Apple add the Jelly Bean OS and new Samsung products like the Note 10.1 and the Galaxy S III to an ongoing patent lawsuit between the two companies.
The same order also lets Samsung amend its infringement device list to include the iPhone 5 and possibly both the iPad mini and the iPad fourth generation. The order was handed down by Paul S. Grewal, Magistrate Judge of U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California.
Apple filed this lawsuit in February 2012 and is one of two cases that are making their way through the California court system. In the other case, a jury ruled in favor of Apple and awarded Apple a $1.05 billion judgment.

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