sexta-feira, 12 de abril de 2013

Brazilian grad student researchers needed - Research in US archives

Subject: FUNDS: Brazilian grad student researchers needed
From:  "Felipe Fernandes Cruz" <>
Date:   April 11, 2013

A Brazilian governmental organization will be conducting research at a variety of US archives this coming fall. We need a team of graduate student researchers to help find, sort and digitize a large amount of documents from the US National Archives and various presidential libraries.
At the moment, we are looking to hire eight Brazilian grad students to aid in this project. While specifics of this research project are still being worked out, most of the work should be done in the fall of 2013.
While a definite amount cannot be guaranteed at the moment, as it is pending bureaucratic approval, remuneration should include the salary for an equivalent teaching appointment in a Brazilian university, plus a Capes fellowship, plus per diem. All travel and lodging expenses will be
Here are some requirements:
- Must be a Brazilian citizen
- PhD Candidate preferred (but MA students are also encouraged to apply)
- Must be able to travel in the fall 2013 (students in Atlanta, Boston, Albany NY, Abilene KS, Los Angeles, Austin TX and Washington DC could get appointments to work in their current location)
- Historians are preferred, but any candidate with good archival research experience is welcome to apply. Experience in the US national archives and presidential libraries would be a plus.
- Due to the sensitive nature of the research, researchers must sign a non disclosure agreement and agree to work within the guidelines of our data security plan.
If you are interested, please email me at - include an attached CV, a brief statement of your availability in the fall and your archival research experience (what archives, what type of documentation and for what period).
Due to the sensitive nature of the project, more details will only be furnished over a phone interview, after signing a standard non-disclosure agreement.
Best regards,
Felipe Fernandes Cruz
PhD Candidate
History Department
The University of Texas at Austin

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