quinta-feira, 8 de setembro de 2016

Programa europeu em integracao regional, estudos comparativos - oportunidade de bolsa (ate 15/09)

Fellowship Call for Application DEADLINE: September 15th 2016 – 17.00 CET
Complete info: http://gem-stones.eu/pdf/GEM-STONES-ERS9.pdf

Early Stage Researcher 9:
Universitaet Hamburg (DE)
Université Libre de Bruxelles (BE)
Internship: German Institute of Global and Area Studies (DE)

This research fellowship is offered within the framework of the GEM-STONES research project on the capacity of the EU to contribute to purposeful complex regime management. It is an integrated research project involving 15 partners institutions, 30 senior academics and 15 newly hired early stage researchers – for further information see www.gem-stones.eu
This project will be part of a Work Package bringing together various strands of political science allowing for a better understanding of the capacity of multilevel governance to see multiplying forms of regionalisms amount to constructive competition rather than destructive fragmentation. It will comparatively highlight:
(1) interplays between EU regional and inter-regional dynamics;
(2) overlapping regional security institutions; and
(3) competing regionally embedded foreign policy norms.

Each of the 3 associated ESRs will:
- Explore the EU’s relative capacity to shape other regional organizations;
- Empirical input to the structured Data Set drawn from the fuzzy-data sets associated with Comparative Regionalism
- Analyse the EU’s relative capacity to manage complexity from either a causal or appropriateness perspective
- Mobilise process-tracing & QCA methods to produce heuristic categorisations of regional organisations -
- Demonstrate the theoretical implications of a growing drive towards competing forms of regional cooperation -
- Jointly produce an edited volume collecting contribution from all 3 ESRs and their supervisors (GEM book series)

ESR 9 will focus on theoretical and methodological issues related to the growing importance of the regional dimension in the management of complex regimes. Inter-regional dynamics will be assessed through comparative analysis of qualitative case studies combining QCA and process-tracing.
The selected regional case study, Latin America, will reflect an empirical setting where the EU seeks to interface with a variety of endogenously driven regional initiative.

ESR 9 will:
1. Successfully accomplish all necessary doctoral training both at the local and GEM-STONES consortium wide levels;
2. Produce an updated typology of interregional institutions linking the EU and Latin-America; as well as a contribution focussed on the EU-LAC inter-regionalism to the GEM-STONES shared data set;
3. Write an original PhD dissertation providing an analytical description of EU-LAC institutional interactions in light of evolving political systems on either side of the relationship; and a contrasted analysis of the relative impact of competing regional arrangements in Latin America on the EU’s interregional strategy.

Pr. Detlef Nolte
E-mail: detlef.nolte@giga-hamburg.de
Website: https://www.giga-hamburg.de/de/team/nolte

Pr. Frédéric Louault
E-mail: flouault@ulb.ac.be
Website: http://philoscsoc.ulb.be/fr/users/flouault

Universitaet Hamburg (DE) - PhD PROGRAMME PhD in Political Science
Université Libre de Bruxelles (BE) - PhD in Political Science

Complete info: http://gem-stones.eu/pdf/GEM-STONES-ERS9.pdf

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