terça-feira, 19 de setembro de 2017

International Adam Smith Society - conference January 2018 - Vina del Mar, Chile

Dear Friends and Members of the International Adam Smith Society:

Adam Smith Chile Conference - January 2018, Viña del Mar, Chile
A diverse and distinguished group of Smith scholars will gather in Chile. Deirdre McCloskey will be our first keynote speaker with her lecture entitled “Smith the Non-Utopian vs. His Followers since 1848.” Additional plenary lectures will be delivered by Samuel Fleischacker, speaking on "Empathy and Perspective: A Smithian Conception of Humanity," and James Otteson, addressing “Adam Smith's Libertarian Paternalism." Other prominent academics who will attend and present papers include María Alejandra Carrasco, Fonna Forman, Christel Fricke, Leonidas Montes, Maria Pia Paganelli, Sandra Peart, Dennis Rasmussen, Craig Smith, Barry Weingast, and Jeffrey Young.
While submissions in English are certainly welcome, Spanish speaking academics are particularly invited to apply given the location of the conference and its special, though non-exclusive, focus on Smith's reception in Latin America; several sessions at least will be conducted in Spanish. Young scholars should also know that the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez has a limited number of competitive grants available (of $1,000 USD each) to support their attendance.  These are open to all, though some preference will be given to scholars from Latin America.  To be considered for these grants applicants need only note as much in their proposal email, or alternatively can directly contact carolina.aplablazam@uai.cl to apply.
More information about the conference, and an abstract submission form, can be found on the Society's website here.  Applicants can also email abstracts directly to the Society's secretary at internationaladamsmithsociety@gmail.com.

Sincere regards,

The IASS/Chile Organizing Committee

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