terça-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2019

OTAN aos 70 anos: crise, falta de confiança - Nicholas Burn (Belfer Center, Harvard)

NATO at Seventy: An Alliance in Crisis

The Summit of NATO Leaders will take place in London on Wednesday, December 4. NATO Heads of State and Government will discuss how to adapt the world’s oldest and most successful military alliance to current and emerging security challenges.  
In our report, “NATO at Seventy: An Alliance in Crisis,” published this past February, Ambassador Doug Lute and I note that the single greatest threat is the absence of strong, principled American presidential leadership for the first time in NATO's history.

We highlight 10 major challenges that the alliance faces and offer recommendations for how to strengthen NATO:
Challenges from Within NATO
  • Reviving American Leadership of the Alliance   
  • Restoring European Defense Strength   
  • Upholding NATO’s Democratic Values  
  • Streamlining NATO Decision-Making
Challenges from Beyond NATO’s Borders
  • Containing Putin’s Russia  
  • Ending the Afghan War  
  • Refocusing NATO Partnerships  
  • Maintaining an Open Door to Future Members  
Challenges on the Horizon
  • Winning the Technology Battle in the Digital Age   
  • Competing with China  
Please read this report for greater detail on NATO's challenges and opportunities ahead.
Nick Burns and Doug Lute

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