segunda-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2020

Sete filmes sobre o Holocausto - My Jewish Learning

These under-the-radar movies are powerful viewing on International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
Pronounced SIH-door, this Hebrew word from the root for "order" refers to the Jewish prayer book.

Parashat Bo
Exodus 10:1 – 13:16
In this Torah portion, God sends the eighth and ninth plagues, locusts and darkness, but Pharaoh still refuses to free the Israelite slaves. God tells Moses that the 10th plague will be killing all the firstborn Egyptians. God commands each Israelite home to slaughter a lamb and spread the blood on their doorposts, in order to protect their firstborns. After the death of the firstborns, Pharaoh demands that the Israelites leave.
Learn more.
Separateness is not the same as narrowness.

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