sexta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2020

Chinese Security Engagement in Latin America - R. Evan Ellis (CSIS)

 Meu "colega" do Department of State continua sua ofensiva do final do governo Trump contra a China na América Latina, provavelmente no mesmo estilo paranoico do documento que ele me mandou anteriormente e que divulguei ontem: "The Elements of the China Challenge", e que agora trata de um "perigo" iminente:  

Chinese Security Engagement in Latin America

(CSIS, November 19, 2020)

Dear Colleague:

Although you just heard from me yesterday, I am writing now to share with you a new report that I authored, on Chinese military activities in Latin America, published by the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
This work looks at the range of strategic benefits to the PRC of that expanding security engagement in the hemisphere, from supporting near-term PRC goals of supporting its global commercial engagement, to utility in a possible (if undesired by all) future war.  The work further examines patterns across the region in that engagement, including arms sales, training and military education, exercises and other activities in the region.

The report is available here as a PDF document, and also at the website of  CSIS, which published it (please copy the whole link if it becomes split between lines): 

Thank you, as always, for the opportunity to continue in contact through this medium.

Evan Ellis
Dr. R. Evan Ellis
Research Professor of Latin American Studies 

U.S. Army War College Strategic
Studies Institute
47 Ashburn Drive
Carlisle, PA 17013
Tel: (717) 245-4085
Cell: (703) 328-7770
Twitter: #REvanEllis

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