domingo, 2 de outubro de 2022

Visual Capitalist: o melhor apresentador gráfico da atualidade, e não só do capitalismo - resumo da semana

O "capitalist" do título deve ser só provocação, pois os gráficos cobrem toda a humanidade, todos os regimes políticos, todos os sistemas econômicos, todas as épocas históricas.

Paulo Roberto de Almeida 

Sunday Digest: Last Week's Infographics

Here are all the new infographics from last week in one easy place! 
Visualized: The World's Population at 8 Billion

Our population will soon reach a new milestone—8 billion. These visualizations show where all those people are distributed around the world

Charted: 40 Years of Global Energy Production, by Country

Here's a snapshot of global energy production, and which countries have produced the most energy since 1980.

How Do Americans Spend Their Money, by Generation?

This interactive graphic shows a breakdown of how average Americans spend their money, and how expenses vary across generations.

Top 20 Countries With the Most Ultra-Wealthy Individuals

Developing countries are creating wealth like never before, but the majority of the world's ultra-wealthy people still live in the U.S.

Visualizing the Range of Electric Cars vs. Gas-Powered Cars

With range anxiety being a barrier to EV adoption, how far can an electric car go on one charge, and how do EV ranges compare with gas cars?

Green Steel: Decarbonising with Hydrogen-Fueled Production

How will high emission industries respond to climate change? We highlight industrial emissions and hydrogen's role in green steel production.

Animation: The Global Population Over 300 Years, by Country

This animation shows how the global population has changed since the year 1800, with projections by country going until 2100.

This Week's Flashback Favorites:

Print Has Prevailed: The Staying Power of Physical Books

When e-books hit the mainstream in the early 2000s, many predicted they'd eventually make print books obsolete. So far, print has prevailed.

Originally from October 2021

Visual Capitalist is making the world’s information more accessible.

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