quinta-feira, 4 de janeiro de 2024

Putin: o Hitler do século XXI - Dietmar Pichler (X)

 Alguma dúvida quanto ao status de Putin como o novo Hitler do século XXI?

From: Dietmar Pichler

If you are a teacher or journalist:

1) there was never a "civil war" or "ethnic conflict" in Ukraine

2) there was never any kind of "Russian language ban"

3) The founders of the "separatist republics" were Russian nationalists from Moscow not coal miners from Donbas

Putin's war against Ukraine is not about NATO, it is because he does not allow his neighbors to have a free, democratic and European🇪🇺 future and he wants to restore the "Russian Empire".

Ukraine was non-aligned in 2014, when Russia annexed Crimea and attacked in Donbas. This is why the idea of joining NATO became popular.

It is not a big country, attacking a similar, smaller country, it is a dictatorship attacking a free, democratic and European country.

The treaty signed between Russia and Ukraine after the dissolution of the USSR in which Ukraine ceded its atomic bombs to Russia obtaining a written guarantee that Russia undertook to renounce any modification of the borders between the two nations.

5 things about Russia's war against Ukraine that are seemingly almost forgotten 🧵

1)Russia downed MH17 passenger jet, claiming 298 lives

2)Russia is fully responsible for the war in Donbas that started in 2014

3)Russia annexed Crimea with 'little green men' (soldiers without insignia) and exerted pressure on the local population/politicians (Girkin admits that they had to use force on local politicians)

4) A few days before the war, the idea of an upcoming full-scale invasion was denied as a ridiculous fabrication by the West.

5) With the announcement of the so-called 'Special Military Operation,' Putin stated that 'there will be no occupation' of Ukraine.

"Putin attacked Ukraine after insisting for months there was no plan to do so. Now he says there's no plan to take over."

Considering not only Putin's lies and actions but also the unmatched propaganda against Ukraine and the West, it's absurd to think 'Putin is willing to negotiate' for a 'solution for both sides' unless for people which have swallowed the propaganda.

I forgot number 6: The ridiculous pretext for the full-scale invasion in Donbas. Amateur-style fabricated content and false-flag footage to 'create' a reason to invade. The evacuations and ridiculous videos made by the Kremlin's propaganda army.

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