segunda-feira, 2 de junho de 2014

Lemann Foundation provides scolarships to Foreign studentes desiring to make academic visits to Brazil

Dear All:  

Since 2012, the Lemann Foundation has been supporting the Science without Borders (SWB) program with the goal of contributing towards strengthening the government's investment, assuring an increasing number of students from Brazil at universities of excellence such as Columbia, as well as establishing long lasting academic partnerships between U.S. academic institutions and Brazilian institutions.

As part of this initiative, the Lemann Foundation is offering Faculty Travel Grants to go to Brazil and make academic connections with Brazilian faculty.  Following are the details of this grant.

How to apply?
The application process is quite simple, with 3 simple questions. If you are interested, please apply here:
Application deadline
June 30th 2014 (for 3-day trips between September 1 – December 15, 2014)
·         student recruitment: meet excellent Brazilian students in STEM fields with scholarships for Ph.D. (1-year or full) and Postdoctoral programs;
·         connections: fostering academic cooperation with Brazilian top universities for long-lasting research collaboration;
·         research grants: building and/or consolidating connections with Brazilian scientists for future research grants in Brazil.
How does it work?
The Faculty Travel Grant sponsors a trip to Brazil to visit top Brazilian universities and research centers. The program will include meetings with faculty, department heads and deans, and meetings with potential students at the graduate level (Ph.D., visitor Ph.D.) and Postdoctoral scientists. The Lemann Foundation will offer:
·         3-day trip: to São Paulo, and other cities depending on the area of study;
·         expenses covered: international flight, domestic flights, accommodation, and transportation;
·         meetings arranged: the Lemann Foundation will help identifying and contacting key people at target institutions.

For more information please contact the Foundation at

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