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quinta-feira, 23 de maio de 2019

Um louco e um professor na montagem de um dicionario - um livro, um filme, uma aventura intelectual

The Surgeon of Crowthorne

"The Professor and the Madman" redirects here. For the film, see The Professor and the Madman (film).
Paperback Edition, Penguin Books UK - 1999

The Surgeon of Crowthorne: A Tale of Murder, Madness and the Love of Words is a book by Simon Winchester that was first published in England in 1998. It was retitled The Professor and the Madman: A Tale of Murder, Insanity, and the Making of the Oxford English Dictionary in the United States and Canada.

It tells the story of the making of the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) and one of its most prolific early contributors, Dr. W. C. Minor, a retired United States Army surgeon. Minor was, at the time, imprisoned in the Broadmoor Criminal Lunatic Asylum, near the village of Crowthorne in Berkshire, England. The 'professor' of the American title is the chief editor of the OED during most of the project, Sir James Murray. Murray was a talented linguist and had other scholarly interests, and he had taught in schools and worked in banking. Faced with the enormous task of producing a comprehensive dictionary, with a quotation illustrating the uses of each meaning of each word, and with evidence for the earliest use of each, Murray had turned to an early form of crowdsourcing (a word not coined until the 21st century)—enlisting the help of dozens of amateur philologists as volunteer researchers.

History of creation
A journalist with three decades of experience, and the author of a dozen travel-inspired books, Winchester's initial proposal to write a book about an obscure lexicographer met with rejection. Only when Harper Collins editor Larry Ashmead read the proposal and championed the book did Winchester pursue the necessary research in earnest.[1] Of the project Ashmead said "we can make lexicography cool".[2] It was Ashmead who persuaded Winchester to call the US edition The Professor and the Madman (over Winchester's objection that Murray was not a professor), saying "No one here knows what the hell a Crowthorne is."[2]
The book was a major success.[3][4][5] Winchester went on to write The Meaning of Everything: The Story of the Oxford English Dictionary (2003) about the broader history of the OED.

Film adaptation
The movie rights for the book were bought by Mel Gibson's Icon Productions in 1998.[1] John Boorman wrote a script and was at one time tapped to direct, as was Luc Besson.[1][6][7] In August 2016 it was announced that Farhad Safinia was to direct an adaptation, called The Professor and the Madman, starring Gibson as Murray and Sean Penn as Minor.[8]

1.     a b c Mel Gussow (December 4, 2006). "The Strange Case of the Madman With a Quotation for Every Word". The New York Times. Retrieved July 17, 2010.
2.     a b Simon Winchester (28 September 2010). "Larry Ashmead obituary"The Guardian. Retrieved 20 February 2012.
3.     ^ review: E.S. Turner, The Lexicographer in the Asylum, Times Literary Supplement, June 26. 1998
4.     ^ review: R. Bernstein, Books of the Times: Searching for a Life, He Found the Language. New York Times, September 16, 1998
6.     ^ Nicola Christie (21 February 2005). "Sneak preview: It's a Wonderful Life"The Daily Telegraph. Retrieved 21 February2012.
7.     ^ Zorianna Kit (December 13, 2000). "Icon, Par Refer To Boorman For 'madman' Helm"The Hollywood Reporter(republished by AllBusiness). Retrieved 21 February 2012.
8.     ^ Tatiana Siegel (21 February 2005). "Mel Gibson, Sean Penn to Star in 'Professor and the Madman' (Exclusive)"The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved 2 August 2016.
·       Winchester, Simon (1998). The Surgeon of Crowthorne: A Tale of Murder, Madness and the Love of Words (hardback ed.). UK: Viking. ISBN 0-670-87862-6.
·       Winchester, Simon (1999). The Surgeon of Crowthorne: A Tale of Murder, Madness and the Oxford English Dictionary (paperback ed.). UK: Penguin. ISBN 0-14-027128-7.
·       Winchester, Simon (1998). The Professor and the Madman: A Tale of Murder, Insanity, and the Making of the Oxford English Dictionary(hardback ed.). US: Harper Collins. ISBN 0-06-017596-6.
·       Winchester, Simon. Der Mann, der die Worter liebte (in German). ISBN 978-3-442-72643-1.
·       Winchester, Simon. Le Fou et le Professeur (in French). ISBN 978-2-253-15082-4.

External links
·       AskOxford.com interview Winchester speaks about the book to John Simpson, Chief Editor of the OED

FMI: guerra comercial EUA-China ameaça crescimento mundial em 2019

FMI: guerra comercial EUA-China ameaça crescimento mundial em 2019

FMI: guerra comercial EUA-China ameaça crescimento mundial em 2019
O Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI) advertiu, nesta quinta-feira (23), que a escalada da guerra comercial entre Estados Unidos e China ameaça o crescimento global em 2019 - AFP
O Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI) advertiu, nesta quinta-feira (23), que a escalada da guerra comercial entre Estados Unidos e China “ameaçará” o crescimento global em 2019, o que minará a confiança e aumentará os preços para os consumidores.
“Os consumidores nos Estados Unidos e na China são inequivocamente os perdedores das tensões comerciais”, disse a economista-chefe do FMI, Gita Gopinath, em uma publicação do blog, refutando diretamente a afirmação do presidente dos EUA, Donald Trump, de que as tarifas são pagas pela China e geram receita para os Estados Unidos.

A nova direita europeia quer criar uma academia do conservadorismo mundial na Italia - The Economist

A nova direita europeia é uma mistura da velha direita – sim, existem remanescentes de antigos partidos fascistas e até saudosistas do hitlerismo, pois sempre os há – com novos reacionários, aqueles que "reacionam" contra os imigrantes, sobretudo os islâmicos, achando que estes vão "conspurcar" as sagradas tradições do cristianismo europeu, aquele mesmo que, em tempos recuados, promovia pogroms, perseguições e até massacres indiscriminados contra judeus, considerados os "assassinos de Cristo". Ainda não mudaram tanto assim as consciências, ou as "ignorâncias", em certos meios...
Paulo Roberto de Almeida

Steve Bannon’s monastic academy denies monkey business

Donald Trump’s ex-strategist dismisses allegations of a forged letter as “dust kicked up by the left”

Donald Trump’s ex-strategist dismisses allegations of a forged letter as “dust kicked up by the left”
A PLAN BY Steve Bannon, Donald Trump’s former chief strategist, to launch an alt-right academy in an Italian monastery now risks being scotched by the authorities. Evidence has emerged that a key document used to secure tenancy of the property was forged.
Mr Bannon is paying the €100,000-a-year ($111,000) rent on a former Carthusian monastery, the Certosa di Trisulti, in the mountains east of Rome. The property belongs to the state. But in February 2018 Italy’s arts and heritage ministry granted a 19-year lease to a Catholic non-profit organisation then based in Rome, the Dignitatis Humanae Institute (DHI), of which Mr Bannon is a trustee. Two official bodies are investigating the concession: the Attorney General’s department and the regional auditors’ court in Lazio, the region around Rome in which the monastery is situated. An official says the ministry is not ruling out revoking the lease.
Mr Bannon has described the Academy for the Judaeo-Christian West that the institute plans to open at its monastery in the autumn as a “gladiator school for cultural warriors”. Benjamin Harnwell, the director of the DHI, says that his institute will offer a master’s course that includes teaching in philosophy, theology, history and economics. Mr Bannon will be personally responsible for additional tuition in the practical aspects of political leadership.
The DHI took over the monastery following a competitive tender. Accompanying the institute’s bid was a business plan and a letter endorsing it, apparently provided by the Gibraltar branch of a Danish financial institution, Jyske Bank. But on May 7th La Repubblica, an Italian daily, reported a statement by Jyske Bank declaring the letter to be fraudulent. The managing director of Jyske Bank in Gibraltar, Lars Jensen, confirms the statement. “It is a fraudulent letter, put together by I don’t know who,” he told The Economist this week. The signature purported to be that of “a lady who hasn’t been in the bank for years. Her role was that of an assistant and in that letter she’s a director or something like that. So it is obviously fraudulent,” he said.
Mr Harnwell admits that news of the bank’s statement “hit me sideways”. But Mr Bannon told The Economist that “Everything actually is totally legitimate…all of this stuff is just dust being kicked up by the left.” The business plan, however, was crucial to the success of DHI’s bid, which the ministry assessed using a points system. To qualify for the tender, the Institute needed at least 60 points. It secured 72.6. But of those, 17.8 were awarded for its business plan. So if that plan is ruled invalid because the “letter of certification” from its bank is found to have been forged, the authorities could revoke the lease.
The controversy over the DHI’s business plan is only the latest of several blows to the institute in recent months. Since December, the DHI’s chairman, Luca Volontè, a former Christian Democrat politician, has been on trial in Milan, charged with taking a €2.4m bribe from private and public sources in Azerbaijan. Mr Volontè was allegedly paid for helping to block criticism of human-rights abuses in Azerbaijan while a member of the parliamentary assembly of the Council of Europe. Mr Volontè denies any wrongdoing. 
Mr Harnwell founded the DHI in 2008 and won support from a variety of prominent Catholics. They included conservatives such as Austin Ruse, president of the Centre for Family and Human Rights in America, and liberals like Lord Alton, a British peer and former Liberal Democrat politician. But Mr Harnwell admits that, as Mr Bannon has taken an increasingly visible role, several of his liberal members and officials, including Lord Alton, have quit. The latest to go was a high-ranking Vatican prelate, Cardinal Peter Turkson.
As Mr Harnwell readily agrees, the Institute’s stewardship of the Certosa, or Charterhouse, of Trisulti has brought with it daunting responsibilities. Founded in the early 13th century amid woodlands in a part of Italy renowned for its hermits and mystics, abbeys and convents, the complex covers 86,000 square metres—the size of 12 football pitches. It houses a watermill, a herbal pharmacy, an elaborately frescoed church and a topiary maze.
But many of its roofs are in urgent need of repair, and there is water infiltration in several places. The DHI committed itself in its bid to spend an additional €1.9m on restoration. Mr Bannon says that more than the row over the lease, the bigger concern “is making sure I can pull together all the resources needed to restore the monastery to what it should be”.
The local authority has presented a further challenge by demanding €86,000 a year in property tax and for waste collection. Mr Bannon remains unfazed by all this. “I couldn’t be more excited,” he says. More excitement is probably to come.

quarta-feira, 22 de maio de 2019

Itamaraty-Apex: continuam as confusoes - Ricardo Della Coletta (FSP)

Araújo assinou documento para contratar funcionário sem diploma com salário de até R$ 34 mil

Objetivo seria nomeação de ex-candidato do PSL na Apex; Itamaraty chama documento de 'propostas de alteração'

O ministro das Relações Exteriores, Ernesto Araújo, assinou documento em março que permitiria a contratação de pessoas sem curso superior para altos cargos da Apex-Brasil (Agência Brasileira de Promoção de Exportações e Investimentos).
Com a alteração no Plano de Cargos, Carreiras e Salários da agência, quem não tem diploma universitário poderia ser empregado em postos com salários de até R$ 34 mil.
Pelas regras vigentes, as vagas para cargos de confiança —que não precisam de concurso público— só podem ser preenchidas por candidatos com "ensino superior completo, reconhecido pelo MEC (Ministério da Educação)."
Araújo estabeleceu no documento obtido pela Folha que o diploma universitário pode ser dispensado caso o indicado tenha "experiência comprovada de, no mínimo, quatro anos em atividades correlatas ao cargo". 
Não há qualquer menção sobre como essa experiência deve ser verificada. Vinculada ao Ministério das Relações Exteriores, a Apex atua na promoção de produtos e serviços brasileiros no exterior. 
Para tentar mudar as regras de admissão na agência, o chanceler utilizou seus poderes como presidente do Conselho Deliberativo da agência para tomar a decisão ad referendum do colegiado. Isso significa que, caso fosse protocolado em cartório —o que não ocorreu—, o novo plano de carreiras começaria a valer imediatamente, mesmo antes da análise dos conselheiros. 
Interlocutores que acompanharam o caso na Apex afirmaram à Folha, sob condição de anonimato por temerem represálias, que as mudanças das regras foram feitas para permitir a contratação do produtor agropecuário Paulo Vilela, que se candidatou a deputado federal pelo PSL em 2018, mas não conseguiu se eleger.
Ao ser convidado para assumir a gerência de agronegócios da Apex, no começo do ano, Vilela não foi admitido por ter grau de escolaridade aquém do exigido para o posto. Segundo o sistema de candidaturas do TSE (Tribunal Superior Eleitoral), Vilela tem ensino médio completo. 
Folha tentou contato com Vilela nesta terça-feira (21), mas ele não respondeu às ligações. No início de abril, no entanto, o produtor afirmou, ao jornal Correio Braziliense, que havia sido convidado para ocupar a gerência da Apex pela ex-diretora de negócios Letícia Catelani.
Na mesma entrevista, contou que chegou a trabalhar informalmente e em caráter "voluntário" na agência no início de 2019, despachando de um café em Brasília.
Pessoas com conhecimento do caso confirmaram à Folha que Vilela trabalhou informalmente na Apex durante quase dois meses, sem nunca ser oficialmente contratado. 
Procurado, o Itamaraty reconheceu que houve “propostas de alteração” no Plano de Cargos, Carreiras e Salários da entidade, mas ressaltou que elas não foram adotadas. 
“Não houve alteração no mecanismo de seleção e contratação de pessoal na Apex. Houve propostas de alteração, que não foram implementadas. Assim sendo, não houve qualquer consequência jurídica relativa ao documento que a reportagem menciona, por ele não ser válido”, afirmou o Itamaraty. 
A flexibilização que consta no documento assinado por Araújo afeta desde cargos menores até os de gerência. O documento também reduz os requisitos de admissão para os postos de supervisor e coordenador, além dos de assessoramento das principais estruturas da Apex.
De acordo com o Plano de Cargos, Carreiras e Salários assinado por Araújo, a remuneração inicial de um gerente da agência é de R$ 28.439, mas o valor pode chegar a R$ 34.127. 
Um assessor da presidência da Apex, por sua vez, tem salário inicial de R$ 23.095. O teto é de R$ 26.559, ainda segundo o mesmo plano de carreiras.
Folha procurou a Apex-Brasil na segunda-feira (20) para comentar o caso. Inicialmente, a agência informou que "não houve, este ano, assinatura de qualquer resolução ou ato administrativo que tenha modificado o Plano de Cargos, Carreiras e Salários."
Nesta terça-feira, informados de que o documento obtido pela reportagem da Folha contém a assinatura de Araújo, a Apex enviou nova manifestação.
"Não houve, este ano, qualquer resolução ou ato administrativo que tenha modificado o Plano de Cargos, Carreiras e Salários da Apex-Brasil. Informamos ainda que a versão vigente do plano é datada de 16 de outubro de 2018", diz a agência.
Após a publicação da reportagem, a ex-diretora de negócios da Apex Letícia Catelani defendeu as alterações no plano de cargos da agência.
De acordo com ela, o objetivo era adequar a Apex a novas normativas do governo que colocam como “critério para contratação a nível federal experiência profissional e não mais a necessidade exclusiva de nível superior”. ​
Não é a primeira vez que Ernesto Araújo utilizou sua condição de presidente do Conselho Deliberativo da Apex para tentar alterar, de forma unilateral, normas internas da entidade. 
No início de abril, o chanceler realizou uma manobra estatutária para retirar poderes do então presidente da agência, o embaixador Mario Vilalva, e transferi-los para seus indicados no órgão: Letícia Catelani e o ex-diretor de gestão corporativa, Márcio Coimbra. 
Vilalva disse à época que o ato do chanceler foi feito “na calada da noite” e acusou Araújo de falta de lealdade. Ele foi demitido da presidência da Apex um dia depois de dar as declarações. 
Quando Araújo assinou a nova versão do Plano de Cargos, Carreiras e Salários, em março, a Apex ainda era presidida por Vilalva. 
Procurado, o ex-presidente da agência disse que tampouco foi informado da intenção do chanceler de flexibilizar as regras de contratação. 
Desde a saída de Vilalva, o núcleo militar do governo intensificou a pressão sobre o presidente Jair Bolsonaro para que tanto Catelani quanto Coimbra deixassem a agência do governo. 
Para estancar a crise, o presidente nomeou no início de maio o almirante Sergio Ricardo Segovia Barbosa para o comando da agência. 
Como primeiro ato, o militar destituiu os dois diretores dos seus postos —Coimbra havia pedido demissão mais de uma semana antes, mas ainda aguardava o desligamento.
A disputa interna na Apex gerou forte desgaste para o chanceler e fez com que ele perdesse poder dentro do órgão. 
Tanto que, após a indicação de Segovia para o comando da agência, Araújo foi obrigado a revogar sua decisão anterior de mudar o estatuto da Apex, restituindo os poderes da presidência.  

terça-feira, 21 de maio de 2019

Os ciclos economicos nos EUA: uma recessao a cada sete meses - Heather Boushey (Brookings)

Recession ready: Fiscal policies to stabilize the American economy


A constant in the history of economics is that countries encounter recessions. Since World War II, the U.S. economy has been in a recession for about one of every seven months and for at least one month in roughly one-third of the years over that period. Recessions have many causes—financial markets crashing, monetary policy tightening, consumers cutting spending, firms lowering investment, oil prices shifting—but at some point, economic expansions end and the economy begins to contract.
Recession Ready book coverThis volume lays out a set of changes to fiscal programs to improve the policy response to a recession in the United States. It starts from three main premises, which are described in more detail in the following chapter:
  1. First, recessions are costly. Individuals lose jobs and income. The economy wastes resources and can sometimes even face a permanently lower output path.
  2. Second, fiscal policy is an effective aspect of the government’s part of a response to a recession. Expansionary fiscal policy can increase output; it can increase the utilization of resources; and in particular, when monetary policy has reduced interest rates to zero, it can meaningfully shift the economy’s trajectory upwards.
  3. Third, increasing the automatic nature of fiscal policy would be helpful. Increasing spending quickly could lead to a shallower and shorter recession.
Using evidence-based automatic “triggers” to alter the course of spending would be a more-effective way to deliver stimulus to the economy than waiting for policymakers to act. Such well-crafted automatic stabilizers are the best way to deliver fiscal stimulus in a timely, targeted, and temporary way. There will likely still be a need for discretionary policy; but by automating certain parts of the response, the United States can improve its macroeconomic outcomes.
The first chapter lays out the case for automatic stabilizers in detail. An important point is that we have sufficient data to discern when a recession is starting in real time, which is a solid foundation for implementing automatic stabilizers. Some stabilizers respond as underlying fundamentals shift—for example, regular unemployment insurance spending rises as more workers lose their jobs, so policymakers do not need to switch on this policy. But one can also tell when a recession is unfolding and more-robust measures are necessary—such as extended unemployment benefits. The policy rule articulated by Claudia Sahm in this volume would generally go into effect within a few months of the start of a recession. A rule like this is both quite timely and far more effective at signaling recessions than other metrics. In a subsequent chapter, Matt Fiedler, Jason Furman, and Wilson Powell III suggest triggers that could be used at the state level as well.
Although automatic stabilizers do exist, they are relatively small in the United States compared with those in other countries. At the same time, there have been frequent discretionary policy changes made in the face of economic downturns to push more money into the economy via tax cuts, direct payments, or increased spending. In the second chapter of this volume, Louise Sheiner and Michael Ng highlight the extent of the U.S. budget’s cyclicality over time. Whereas federal taxes provide a substantial amount of automatic stabilization—and discretionary federal policy is also strongly countercyclical—state and local fiscal policy is slightly procyclical.
The remaining six chapters of the book make concrete proposals for adjusting U.S. fiscal policy to expand the implementation of automatic stabilizers and make them more effective. The first two proposals entail creating new policies that are based on evidence from discretionary policies used in prior recessions. Both aim to avoid damaging contractionary responses to recessions, first on the part of households, and second on the part of state governments.
In the third chapter, Claudia Sahm suggests making an automatic direct payment to qualified households during economic downturns. Such payments have been used before in a variety of ways, through either temporary tax cuts or direct payments, but not in an automated fashion. Sahm demonstrates the effectiveness of such programs and shows how an automated set of payments could have been made earlier and more predictably than discretionary payments in the past. Given the large share of consumption in the U.S. economy and the propensity for consumption to fall during a recession, such a policy could be an important way to combat any sizable fall in demand in the economy.
In the fourth chapter, Matt Fiedler, Jason Furman, and Wilson Powell III suggest a way to provide funds to states to avoid sharp, procyclical cutbacks at the state and local levels. During a recession, the federal government is in principle able to counteract declines in economic activity by increasing spending, even while revenues decline—making up the difference with additional borrowing. However, a large portion of U.S. public spending occurs at the state and local levels, where borrowing is much more difficult and declines in tax revenues generally lead to declines in spending. Fiedler, Furman, and Powell address this concern in the context of Federal Medical Assistance Percentage formula funds, which were adjusted during the Great Recession and could be automatically adjusted to provide state-level fiscal support during future recessions.
There are also several current programs that could be adjusted to improve their effectiveness as automatic stabilizers. In the fifth chapter, Andrew Haughwout proposes setting up and maintaining a list of potential transportation infrastructure projects whose funding could be ramped up during downturns. Though Congress has often used transportation infrastructure as a method to generate spending during a downturn, this process could instead be automated by changing the spending rules for the BUILD program (formerly the TIGER grant program) so that the federal government would fund more projects during downturns and fewer during a boom. Because BUILD is constantly awarding funds, states would have projects ready to be funded and would be familiar with the funding stream, allowing for timely spending.
The programs that make up the social safety net constitute an important set of automatic stabilizers in the current U.S. policy mix. Because these programs provide resources to people with little or no income, the need for the benefits they provide rises along with the unemployment rate. As currently implemented, unemployment benefit spending and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as the Food Stamp Program) spending automatically rise as more people are unemployed or as their incomes fall. These programs, along with Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)—which is currently capped in nominal dollars by federal law—could be restructured in ways that would help them accomplish their core goals and serve as better stabilizers for the economy.
The unemployment insurance (UI) system is a core part of the U.S. response to both individual employment loss and overall labor market disruptions. By insuring workers against job loss, UI partially protects them from important risks while also mitigating the decline in consumption that occurs during a recession. In the sixth chapter, Gabriel Chodorow-Reich and John Coglianese propose changes to improve the take-up of UI, increase its benefits during recessions, and make its extended benefit formulas more responsive to changes in the labor market. These changes would enhance the already sizable role that UI plays in stabilization policy.
After federal welfare reform of 1996, the federal program that provides cash to families in need was block-granted, and funds were capped at their 1997 level. The newly created TANF program included a small emergency fund, which has been insufficient to allow TANF to function as needed for families or provide any cushion to the economy in a downturn. In the seventh chapter, Indivar Dutta-Gupta suggests shifting the structure of TANF so that it can expand in downturns as need rises and thus play a countercyclical role both for households and the economy. He also reviews the experience of TANF job subsidies enacted as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and proposes expanding this approach, explaining how employment subsidies can play an important role as part of an overall policy response to economic downturns.
SNAP is the nation’s most-important food support program—and it is also an automatic stabilizer that supports the economy during downturns. In the eighth chapter, Hilary Hoynes and Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach propose reforms to SNAP that would make it a more-effective automatic stabilizer and increase its ability to protect families during downturns. In particular, they focus on ensuring that families in need of food support are not tied to work requirements that may be impossible to meet in an economic downturn; they also suggest increasing SNAP benefits during a recession.
Overall, this set of proposals builds on the best available evidence and analysis. They use programs that have been effective parts of U.S. fiscal policy and have either been an important part of discretionary or automatic spending in prior downturns. The proposals suggest a clear path toward improved automatic stabilizers for the U.S. economy. These programs already exist or have been pursued in the past, suggesting they are feasible and realistic. Though these policies could be implemented separately, there is an advantage in thinking of them as a package. As described in the first chapter, these policies would affect the economy at different points in time, would assist different types of households, and would address differences in economic conditions across places.
Direct payments are fast and can be executed on a large scale, but are not targeted to struggling regions or households. Likewise, though payments to states can stabilize their budgets, they do not necessarily help individuals who have lost their job or lift consumption. Transportation spending is sometimes done over a slightly longer time frame, but this allows continued spending as the economy recovers. Finally, the safety net policies are likely the best targeted, both to individuals and regions, given that their spending rises wherever economic distress is highest. Unemployment insurance is more likely to help middle-income families, while TANF and SNAP are targeted to low-income families. By setting up an array of stabilizers, policymakers can ensure that a wide range of families are supported and that demand in the economy is boosted across a variety of sectors.
Recessions exact a major toll on individuals, families, firms, and budgets throughout the United States. A key aspect of proper macroeconomic policymaking is to minimize losses by responding quickly and effectively to downturns. As discussed in the next chapter, lower interest rates have left the Federal Reserve with less room to cut rates in response to a downturn. This makes it all the more important that policymakers set in place the proper fiscal structures to make sure that fiscal policy plays an active and efficient role in combating recessions.
Economic forecasters rarely correctly call the timing of a recession. Perhaps the one thing they can all agree on, however, is that another economic downturn will come. A crucial part of preparing for the next recession is making sure fiscal policy institutions are ready to provide support when needed to minimize the damage the next recession could do.