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Este blog trata basicamente de ideias, se possível inteligentes, para pessoas inteligentes. Ele também se ocupa de ideias aplicadas à política, em especial à política econômica. Ele constitui uma tentativa de manter um pensamento crítico e independente sobre livros, sobre questões culturais em geral, focando numa discussão bem informada sobre temas de relações internacionais e de política externa do Brasil. Para meus livros e ensaios ver o website: www.pralmeida.org. Para a maior parte de meus textos, ver minha página na plataforma Academia.edu, link: https://itamaraty.academia.edu/PauloRobertodeAlmeida.

Mostrando postagens com marcador Kissinger. novos representantes. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador Kissinger. novos representantes. Mostrar todas as postagens

segunda-feira, 5 de julho de 2010

Os novos "Kissingers" - Foreign Policy

A revista Foreign Policy, de março-abril de 2010, traz os perfis do que seu editor associado chama, talvez abusivamente, de (quatro) "novos Kissingers" da atualidade. Vejamos a justificativa e a lista:

The List: The World's Kissingers
Joshua E. Keating, Associate Editor at Foreign Policy
Foreign Policy, March/April 2010

A country's foreign policy is often defined less by its elected leader than its behind-the-scenes operators and elder statesmen. Here are four figures setting the global agenda for the world's emerging powers, just as Henry Kissinger set America's for over 50 years.

Country: Singapore
Age: 86
Position: Former prime minister, current "minister mentor" (a cabinet-level position created specifically for him)
Legacy: After shepherding Singapore to unprecedented economic growth over his 31 years as prime minister, Lee has become an apostle for the Asian model of growth, a mix of economic liberalization and rigid political control.
Lee always said that Singapore's foreign policy was dictated by its small size -- it cannot survive without international and regional cooperation. But the influence of his ideas can be seen in the "peaceful rise" and not so peaceful governance of the world's most populous country: China.

Country: Brazil
Age: 67
Position: Foreign minister
Legacy: A controversial former academic who once compared wealthy countries' negotiating tactics to those of Joseph Goebbels, Amorim has deftly managed the nigh-impossible balancing act between the United States and Brazil's leftist neighbors in Venezuela and Cuba while also building Brazil's alliances with other emerging powers.
Speaking of the alliance with Russia, India, and China, Amorim said, "You have a new configuration of power appearing in the world.… We can't be conditioned by the views coming from the United States and the EU. We have to look from our own perspective."

Country: Saudi Arabia
Age: 65
Position: Former ambassador to Britain and the United States, ex-director of the Saudi foreign-intelligence service
Legacy: As chief of the Saudi kingdom's external intelligence service, the youngest son of the late King Faisal helped fund and organize the Afghan resistance to the occupying Soviet forces. Working as ambassador to Britain and then the United States in the years following 9/11, Turki emerged as part diplomat, part pundit. He resigned in 2006 but remains an influential advisor in Riyadh and a fixture in Washington.

Country: Turkey
Age: 51
Position: Foreign minister
Legacy: A keen student of history, the brash and outspoken Davutoglu believes in restoring Turkey's Ottoman glories so that Turkey once again carries weight in the Middle East. Under his guidance, Turkey has strengthened its ties with Arab governments and sought to play the role of mediator in Arab-Israeli conflicts.
At the same time, Davutoglu supports Turkey's eventual membership in the European Union: "Turkey can be European in Europe and Eastern in the East because we are both," he says.

Não tenho certeza de que qualquer um desses seja um novo Kissinger. Este era, antes de qualquer outra coisa, um scholar distinguido na academia, com vasta obra de reflexão histórica e estratégica, conhecido amplamente antes mesmo de se tornar conselheiro presidencial no NSC e depois Secretário de Estado. Gostaria de ver o currículo de cada um dos quatro, antes de me pronunciar, à condição que ele não venha edulcorado por coisas que não foram efetivamente realizadas.
No que concerne ao Brasil, não me lembro de algum alto diplomata - descontando o ex-Embaixador (ex-militar e político) Juracy Magalhães, para quem o que era bom para os Estados Unidos era bom para o Brasil -- ou de algum chanceler que tenha tido a sua perspectiva diplomática condicionada pela visão do mundo de Washington. Talvez atualmente se deva reforçar o suposto "entreguismo" dos antecessores, para melhor ressaltar, e proclamar (por vezes aos altos brados), sua própria independência em relação ao império, aspecto menor mas que encanta certas platéias, estilo UNE, CUT, PT e tribos desse tipo.