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Mostrando postagens com marcador forças auxiliares de paises da OTAN. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador forças auxiliares de paises da OTAN. Mostrar todas as postagens

segunda-feira, 11 de março de 2024

Presidente da Tchequia tem razão: forças auxiliares de paises da OTAN podem ajudar a Ucrânia

O presidente tcheco tem inteiramente razão: a Carta da ONU autoriza qualquer país a vir em socorro da nação agredida.

Paulo Roberto de Almeida 

NATO troops could carry out support activities directly on Ukrainian territory as this would not violate any international rules, Czech President Petr Pavel said in an interview for Czech Television.

According to Pavel, there must be a clear distinction between deploying combat troops and possibly involving troops in some “support” activities with which NATO already has experience.

“From the point of view of international law and the UN Charter, there would be nothing to prevent NATO member states’ troops – as well as civilians, for example – from assisting in the work in Ukraine,” Pavel stressed.

According to Pavel, Western allies should have the courage to defend their activities legally, “because helping to train and maintain equipment in a sovereign country is not combat,” he explained.

“Even if there is a training mission on its (Ukrainian) territory, it is not a violation of any international rule. And it is up to us what form of assistance we choose to provide to Ukraine, as long as we stay within that limit of non-combat engagement,” the Czech president said.

Czech President Petr Pavel made the impossible possible and not only organized 800,000 artillery shells for Ukraine but also the financing. Around €1.5 billion have been organized and the ammunition will arrive the coming weeks.

The source of the ammunition is not entirely disclosed but according to to Bild speculations go that it might be South Korea, Turkey and South Africa. I would like to add that I find it possible that Pakistan is also one of the suppliers.

This extraordinary feat shows once again that if there is a will then there is a way.