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Este blog trata basicamente de ideias, se possível inteligentes, para pessoas inteligentes. Ele também se ocupa de ideias aplicadas à política, em especial à política econômica. Ele constitui uma tentativa de manter um pensamento crítico e independente sobre livros, sobre questões culturais em geral, focando numa discussão bem informada sobre temas de relações internacionais e de política externa do Brasil. Para meus livros e ensaios ver o website: www.pralmeida.org. Para a maior parte de meus textos, ver minha página na plataforma Academia.edu, link: https://itamaraty.academia.edu/PauloRobertodeAlmeida.

domingo, 6 de novembro de 2011

Paulo Roberto de Almeida em Mandarim: educacao na America Latina

Recentemente, dei uma longa entrevista, por telefone e em inglês, a um jornalista chinês, Xingfu Zhu, do jornal de Shanghai Wenhui Daily. Não sei exatamente o que ele captou como informação.
O tema era a educação em países da América do Sul, que conheço apenas por leituras e visitas ocasionais para seminários acadêmicos.
Em todo caso, aqui vai a entrevista tal como publicada em chinês, seguida da tradução feita pelo Google, e portanto meio bizarra, para não dizer completamente deformada. Mas algo se pode reter.

Global window of Shanghai Wenhui Daily

Wave of student protests in Chile intensified
Neighbors began to reflect on their own system defects
South American countries:  "every family has its own problem" so far as education is concerned
Published on 2011 -10-21    Authored by  Xingfu Zhu of Shanghai Wenhui Daily

智利学生抗议浪潮愈演愈烈 邻国开始反思自身制度弊端

日期:2011-10-21 作者:朱幸福 来源:文汇报


本报首席记者 朱幸福



Global window of Shanghai Wenhui Daily

Wave of student protests in Chile intensified
Neighbors began to reflect on their own system defects
South American countries:  "every family has its own problem" so far as education is concerned
Published on 2011 -10-21    Authored by  Xingfu Zhu of Shanghai Wenhui Daily

Photo by:
The newspaper's chief correspondent Xingfu Zhu 
    Since yesterday, the Chilean university student organizations to hold another two-day national protest, asking the Government to carry out major reforms in education, but to protest the government's negotiations with the students appeared rupture. Chilean President Peinie La [Sebastian Pinera] said, to calm the increasingly violent student protests, the government will not hesitate to act in accordance with an emergency security law.

Chile student protests have continued for 5 months now and the government has not yet reached any compromise. How should it treat the student movement in Chile? This long-running student movement in what direction the future development? South American countries like Chile, is there a higher education issues and challenges? 
To this end, the reporter visited the University of Brasilia Center, Professor of International Political Economy Paulo Roberto de Almeida and former Brazilian Minister of Culture Jeronimo Moscardo.

Chile - the political driving force behind the student movement
Almeida: Behind this student movement has a left-wing parties and trade unions in Chile's complex background, they use the student movement and the right-wing government led by President Peinie La rival. Peinie La Chilean right-wing parties on behalf of the President, advocating a market economy and privatization. Look at the student protest movement in Chile, one must distinguish between what is real education, which is Chile's left-wing parties and trade unions in the background waves. Currently, Chile is about two shares of political forces around the student movement against each other, do not give. Analysts here believe that the student movement in Chile, the trend may be gradually moving towards the development of radical and violent, political forces behind the contest will only end in the next general election through the ballot to decide.

As we all know, Chile is Latin America's economic model, a very high degree of openness of its economy, currently 80% of the world's economies signed a free trade agreement. Chilean government's economic management is also very good, in the 1990s, annual economic growth rate remained at 4% -6%, and low inflation, fiscal balance, known as the Latin American region "little tiger." According to the World Economic Forum evaluation report, Chile's economic competitiveness in Latin America ranked first, the world number 30.

Bad luck is that Chile's devastating earthquake in February last year, total direct economic loss of one-tenth of the gross domestic product. Has more than 20 billion in assets Peinie La president came to power in March last year started well, just waits to be held in Chile on the occasion, erupted in Chile this year, domestic large-scale student movement. Chile's education system is really lagging behind, with its global economic competitiveness is not commensurate in many places for improvement. However, the student movement in Chile too much violence associated with the color, the student movement has been the trade unions and leftist parties around, so that the education complex and politicized. Chile's market economy, from government to provide scholarships for students from poor families is necessary, but the student movement asked the Government to provide free education for all students, free lunch and transportation, how is this possible to do so.

Argentina - is now a hundred years ago the best regression
Almeida: Compared with the adjacent Chile, Argentina's economy and education in Latin America 100 years ago is the best, economic strength and quality of education comparable to Europe, France, Italy and other countries. Before the outbreak of World War I in 1913, Argentina's equivalent of the U.S. 70% of national income, now shrunk to 33% of the United States. Throughout the 20th century most of the time, the quality of education in Argentina is very good. However, Peronism in Argentina destroyed the economy and education. President Peron in the 1970s created a "union republic", the radical labor movement as a tool of political manipulation of President Peron, trade unions organized a strike in order to improve benefits often strike, Argentina's economic strength and quality of education was deteriorating.

Moscardo: Argentina's high level of education, high rates of highly educated population, the country engaged in academic research particularly large number of intellectuals, many Argentines have won the Nobel Prize. However, Argentina's academic education too much, quite far away from practical application. Because Argentina has too many college-educated intellectuals, people have too many ideas and positions, it is difficult to manage this country the government can not solve the many problems facing the country and crises. Brazil, on the contrary, highly educated population ratio in Brazil is relatively low, in the small number of pure academic research, it is easier to manage the Brazilian government.

Moscardo: Most of Chile's elite higher education in the United States, by the American "cultural imperialism" a great influence on government ministers are basically trained at Harvard University's elite. Opposite the University of Brazil, Brazil is not the best university education in Latin America, mainly the Portuguese colonialists left the problem, they do not want to Brazilians in the political control of their own. Brazilians are now in charge of their own university education, the university's influence began to increase. University education in Brazil the main problems currently facing is the increasing commercialization of university education, many large companies running the university, the university education as an industry to support, they need only to train personnel, university education seriously out of line with the national interest.

Brazil - "iron rice bowl" to reduce the quality of education
Almeida: Brazil today there are some very good public and private universities, such as some church-run universities and University of Sao Paulo, etc., but in the northern mountains and the Amazon region, some of the poor quality of university education. University education in Brazil today, the biggest problem is the weak teachers. Country has two million -300 million teachers, only half can be class, other teachers can only work in the administrative bureaucracy. In the class teacher, the professor who eat a "big pot", regardless of your level of education, we get the same wages, arouse the enthusiasm of the teacher's teaching is not up, the quality of education students worrying.

University education in Brazil caused by eating "iron rice bowl" of the main reason is that the education sector there are strong trade unions, some of them are in Brazil called "triad." The number of public university teacher income, not by the school, but by the trade unions have the final say. Brazilians pay taxes to the government, then the money sent to the Brazilian government at all levels of trade union organizations across the country, the teacher's salary is controlled by the trade unions. Trade unions in Brazil is now becoming a very popular industry, as long as the Department of Labor registered, you can get money from the government. Today, the Brazilian trade union monopoly of all schools, while other unions have opposed. Lerner insured Rover Education Brazil education law deeply influenced by extreme leftist ideas, people believe that egalitarianism and nationalization, against profits and capitalism.

On general education, primary school children in Brazil, only 50% of the students and secondary education. When the Brazilian high school students graduated from school, only about 15% of the people to go to college. Most private universities in Brazil, but in private universities, students from poor families to pay 200-2000 riyals per month (1.7 riyals equivalent to one U.S. dollars) tuition, very expensive, and the children of the rich more state universities, tuition is entirely free, this phenomenon is very unreasonable. Decline in the quality of education in Brazil, coupled with long-standing practice in this country, "de-industrialization" policy, as a constraint to enhance the global competitiveness of this country one of the obstacles.

In the South American countries, Peru's education, there are two extremes of good or bad. Hispanic Peru has a very good job, live in comfortable houses, mostly well-educated people. But in Peru, 60% -70% of the population is indigenous, living in the Amazon basin or the mountains, where the quality of education is poor. Peruvian Spanish is the official language of the law, while the Indians inhabited the promotion of bilingual education. However, the Indians received the right track in terms of education there is still a lot of obstacles, the Government of Peru to promote bilingual education and reduce inequalities between whites and Indians continue to face enormous challenges.

(Filed from Brasilia  on October 19)

Um comentário:

Adriana Riess Karnal disse...

achei a tradução eletrônica deveras boa.