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sábado, 4 de maio de 2013

Realidades russas, horrores sovieticos: cinco livros (WSJ)

David Satter on life in the Soviet police state
The Wall Street Journal, May 3, 2013

Kolyma Tales
By Varlam Shalamov (1980)
1 The Kolyma region, the coldest area in the Northern Hemisphere, was the cruelest outpost of the Soviet Gulag. Varlam Shalamov, a young journalist, was arrested in 1937 and spent 17 years there. His short stories are the definitive chronicle of those camps. Each is devoted to a single incident told in the voice of an emotionally detached observer. On the edge of death, all human traits are lost, and everything is focused on physical survival, but this is treated by Shalamov as completely normal. In "An American Connection," a group of starving prisoners attack a barrel of grease intended for a bulldozer. They finish off half the barrel before guards arrive. In another story, two prisoners escape from a camp at night and go to a burial site, searching for a fresh corpse from which to steal the underwear. Shalamov's dispassionate narrative and his often lyrical descriptions of Siberian nature give his stories the mesmerizing quality of a message from another world. As Shalamov said: "If you don't believe it, take it as a fairy tale."

By Nikolai Berdyaev, et. al (1909)
2 The year was 1909. Terrorists were murdering not only czarist ministers but provincial officials and police. It was in this atmosphere that "Landmarks" was published in Moscow. The contributors, all of them Russian Orthodox believers, called on the intelligentsia to reject materialist moral relativism and return to religion as a means of grounding the individual. Their essays, with stunning foresight, described all of the characteristics of the coming Soviet state. The religious philosopher Nikolai Berdyaev explained the roots of its contempt for the individual. He said that the revolutionary intelligentsia hungered for a universal theory but was only prepared to accept one that justified their social aspirations. This meant the denial of man's absolute significance and the total subordination of spiritual values to social goals. Bogdan Kistyakovsky wrote that the intelligentsia's predilection for formalism and bureaucracy and its faith in the omnipotence of rules were the makings of a police state. A hundred years later these essays are still among the best arguments ever made against revolutionary fanaticism, political "correctness" and the drive to create "heaven on earth."

The Russian Tradition
By Tibor Szamuely (1974)
3 Tibor Szamuely, the nephew of a leading Hungarian communist, died in 1972 at the age of 47. In this work, completed just before his death, Szamuely explains Russia's historical development. He traces the beginning of the unlimited powers wielded by Russian rulers to Ivan IV. In 1570, Ivan sacked Novgorod, Russia's leading trading city, after inexplicably becoming doubtful of its loyalty. For sustained sadism and savagery what happened there resembles the rape of Nanking by the Japanese 400 years later, with the exception that it was carried out by the country's own ruler. Under Ivan, the only rights were those of the state. Peasants were progressively bound to the land. The Russian church accepted the fusion of political and religious authority in the person of the czar. After the fall of Byzantium, the tsars, as the heads of the only surviving Orthodox state, treated Moscow as the "Third Rome" and began to claim world-wide moral and political leadership. This claim, in turn, was supported by the Russian people, who saw in it justification for their enslaved condition. Communism was supposed to be totally new, but as Szamuely so eloquently demonstrated, it merely modernized the brutal Russian state tradition.

Execution by Hunger: The Hidden Holocaust
By Miron Dolot (1985)
4 Almost no eyewitness accounts have been left behind about the deliberate starvation of seven million people, roughly half of them Ukrainians, in the famine that followed the collectivization of Soviet agriculture. The outstanding exception is this work by the émigré Miron Dolot, a teenager during the famine, who describes in riveting prose the fate of his village in the Cherkasy region of Ukraine. To carry out collectivization, the Soviet leadership arrested village leaders and warned farmers that if they did not obey, they would be eliminated as "enemies of the people." Despite the chaos introduced into agricultural life, the quotas for grain deliveries to the state were not decreased. The farmers tried to hide food, but officials went from house to house. Roadblocks were set up, and farmers were imprisoned in their villages. They slowly died there, some convinced that their deaths were a well-deserved punishment from God for supporting the communist revolution. In March 1933, the famine reached its climax. Doors were bolted against cannibals. The frozen bodies of villagers were everywhere. Meanwhile, the Soviet Union exported 1.5 million tons of grain, enough to feed all those who perished.

The Seven Days of Creation
By Vladimir Maximov (1971)
5 In this novel about seven decades and three generations of one family, Maximov sets out to show what the Soviet experience meant for ordinary people, whose speech he had a rare gift for capturing. In one scene, Pyotr Lashkov, the patriarch of the clan and a dedicated communist in his youth, tries in vain to reach out to his long-lost alcoholic brother. "We could have managed," that brother says, "only you wouldn't let us. You nannied us to death, you and your bogeymen. . . . And when the time comes to die a man realizes he's been going arse backward all his life driven by the lot of you." Vadim Lashkov, Pyotr's grandson, the first Lashkov to revolt, is put in a mental hospital, where a fellow prisoner advises him: "If ever you think of trying to escape, the search will be thorough, very thorough. And they'll find you. They have to. Not because you're dangerous in yourself. Not at all! Simply because by now you've found out a little more than ordinary mortals are supposed to know." The tales of misguided ideas and broken fates are divided into six sections. The first six are "days of creation." Fittingly, the seventh day, "the day of resurrection and hope," is blank.

David Satter
Mr. Satter is the author of, most recently, 'It Was a Long Time Ago, and It Never Happened Anyway: Russia and the Communist Past.'

A version of this article appeared May 4, 2013, on page C10 in the U.S. edition of The Wall Street Journal, with the headline: David Satter.

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