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terça-feira, 6 de agosto de 2024

Guerra de agressão da Rússia contra a Ucrânia: dados recentes do CDS

Relatório de 6/08/2024; 

Russian operational losses from 24.02.22 to 06.08.24  

Personnel - almost 585,140 (+1050); 

Tanks 8,421 (+4);

Armored combat vehicles – 16,294 (+8); 

Artillery systems – 16,384 (+39);

Multiple rocket launchers (MLRS) – 1,138 (0);

Anti-aircraft warfare systems - 910 (0);

Vehicles and fuel tanks – 22,148 (+54);

Aircraft - 363 (0);

Helicopters – 326 (0);

UAV operational and tactical level – 13,158 (+36);

Intercepted cruise missiles – 2,420 (+6);

Boats/ships – 29 (0).


  • During the night of July 5-6, the occupiers attacked Ukraine with four ballistic missiles, two guided aviation missiles, and 16 kamikaze drones. Ukrainian air defense shot down two ballistic and two aviation missiles, as well as 15 UAVs.

  • During the nighttime attack by Russian troops with missiles and drones on the Kyiv region, all enemy targets were shot down. However, there was damage to an apartment building, an office building, a gas station, and a forester's house. In Kyiv, debris from a downed Russian missile damaged a car parking lot.

  • On August 6, the Russian army dropped explosives from a drone on people on the street in a suburb of Kherson, injuring six people.

  • In Sumy, explosions were heard during the day on August 6. Russian invaders launched guided aerial bombs (KABs) and missile strikes on the infrastructure in the Sumy district. Preliminary reports indicate there were no casualties, and the effects of the enemy strike are being clarified.

  • As a result of a Russian "Iskander" strike on the Shevchenkivskyi district of Kharkiv around 10 a.m., 12 people were injured, including an 8-month-old baby and one person was kiled. A fire broke out at the impact site, there are still people under the rubble.

  • Around 11 a.m. on August 6, Russian forces dropped explosives from a drone on the Dniprovskyi district of Kherson, injuring two women aged 70 and 83.

  • In the city of Beryslav, Kherson Oblast, a civilian received fatal injuries due to an attack by a Russian drone.

Centre for Defence Strategies (CDS) is a Ukrainian security think tank. We operate since 2020. We publish this brief daily. If you would like to subscribe, please send us an email at cds.dailybrief@gmail.com 

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