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Este blog trata basicamente de ideias, se possível inteligentes, para pessoas inteligentes. Ele também se ocupa de ideias aplicadas à política, em especial à política econômica. Ele constitui uma tentativa de manter um pensamento crítico e independente sobre livros, sobre questões culturais em geral, focando numa discussão bem informada sobre temas de relações internacionais e de política externa do Brasil. Para meus livros e ensaios ver o website: www.pralmeida.org. Para a maior parte de meus textos, ver minha página na plataforma Academia.edu, link: https://itamaraty.academia.edu/PauloRobertodeAlmeida.

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quinta-feira, 7 de abril de 2011

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2008 Economic Crisis
2008 Federal Bailout
2009 Economic Stimulus Plan
European Union
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What are five factors that influence demand?
Concisely: (Y being Income) 1. Number of consumers (naturally, more consumers means more D) 2. Income & normal goods (as Y...

How was the French economy after World War 2?
After WW2 - The agricultural production in France had fallen of more than a third from 1938 to 1945, causing penury, resuppling...

What is laissez-faire?
Laissez-faire economics is the belief that economic imbalances are self-correcting, not requiring intervention by government so...

What is the world's wealthiest country?
There are several measures of the wealth of a country. I will list three of the most common measures. What these measures mean...

What determines the amount of money a country can print?
A countries central banking system generally decides what amount of money a country can print. Contrary to popular belief,...

What countries have a mixed economy?
The definition of mixed economy remains somewhat subjective. Both the US and Cuba have been refered to as mixed economies as all...

What is macroeconomics?
AnswerMacroeconomic deals with the functioning of the economy as the whole. It is concerned with economy wide issues such as...

What were the key elements of the program that came to be called Reaganomics?
Reaganomics (identified with the 40th President, from 1981 to 1989) was referred to as "supply side" economics (or the critical...

Why was the European Union formed?
Some of the reasons for the establishment of the European Union (EU) Already in the 1920s some politicians (such as Briand and...

How did money originate?
Ug gave his friend Org a pretty rock in exchange for a bite of Org's apple. Org later exchanged the rock for a bite of Iggy's...

What is difference between cross price elasticity demand and income elasticity demand?
Cross price elasticity of demand measures how much demand of one good, say x changes when the price of another good, say y...

What is political instability?
To my opinion, political instability is a situation where by a country is currently going through political turmoil. It may also...

What are the disadvantages of mixed economy system?
The disadvantages of a mixed economy really depend on how "mixed" it is. For instance, if it is mixed more towards a free-market,...

Should Newspapers and book publishers convert to electronic publishing over paper publishing as their primary product?
AnswerNO! Only a fraction of the worlds people have access to computers or the energy needed to operate them. How would a...

How do you explain GNI per capita?
A measure of the wealth earned by nations through economic activites all around the world. Gross National Income comprises the...

How much of a salary hike do you need each year just to keep pace with inflation?
AnswerGenerally, you need the same rate of increase or decrease in your salary as the inflation rate. If you make 10,000 and...

Why is Germany an economic rival of Great Britain?
All industrial nations are rivals with one another. They compete for resources and markets constantly. Britain, owing to...

What was the theory of mercantilism?
Mercantilism Mercantilism was the economic philosophy underlying early European colonial policy. The object of mercantilism was...

Why are gas prices so high?
Gasoline comes from oil. Retail prices are determined by the sellers, based on their costs, and the prices paid to produce,...

Is China a threat to Indian Software Industry?
China's rapidly growing software industry will soon rival India's, not necessarily eclipsing it. Before the 1990s, China was...

How different is a market economy from centrally planned economy?
Central Planning: A centrally planned economy relies on a party in power to decide what resources should be allocated to various...

What is the advantage of free market economy?
Wikimedia Free Encyclopedia explains: A market economy (also called a free market economy or a free enterprise economy) is an...

What are advantages and disadvantages of market economy?
There are many advantages to a free market economy. They range from the moral issues to the practical issues. We will deal mainly...

What are the uses and advantages of price mechanism?
Basically the price mechanism acts as "an invisible hand" or signaling mechanism. They play a key role in allocating resources...

What are the advantages of leaving the allocation of a country's resources to the price mechanism?
If relatively weak conditions are satisfied, then whatever allocation of resources results from the use of the price mechanism...

What is Austrian Economics?

What currency was used in the 1700s?
This depends on the country. Most currencies, however, were based on gold and silver. In America, in the 13 colonies, tobacco...

Why do some people believe that a mixed economic system solves basic economic problems?
It is because both the private sector and public sector have a say in answering the basic economic questions, thus there will be...

What is the law of variable proportion in economics?
Sometimes referred to as variable factor proportions, law of diminishing returns states that as equal quantities of one variable...

Does Europe the USA or China have the largest economy?
1- Europe (remember Italy, French, UK and Germany are 4 world's power) 2- USA 3- China. 2006 GDP Figures from the CIA World...

What are possible advantages to a multinational corporation of entering a high potential and high growth economy?
Possible advantages of a multinarional corporation are: 1.Multinational Companies are able to sell far more than other type of...

What is the marginal cost of capital?
Marginal or incremental cost of capital is cost of the additional capital raised in a given period

What is so gross about the national product?
Economics Answer: The Gross National Product in one definition is the sum of all final goods and services produces in an...

Show with examples that if the marginal product is always decreasing the average product is always above the marginal product?
Paper silver has been heavily shorted in the last few weeks. Low volume indicated by the 30& 60 day averages has not brought...

How do tax cuts affect the economy?
Tax cuts improve the economy by giving the people more spending power and higher consumer confidence which leads to them spending...

What is the role of marketing in the implementation of adaptive strategies for expansion?
The expansion of a company depends solely on the marketing of it's product or anything pertain to it.Actually marketing it's...

How best to define economics?
According to Princeton University, Economics is the study of the production, distribution and consumption of goods and...

What is the significance of foreign exchange rate risk and how can this risk be mitigated?
Foreign exchange risk is the level of uncertainty that a company must manage for changes in foreign exchange rates, that will...

How do economy's produce?
These questions are the basic economic questions to which all economies strive to answer. This is because there are a limited...

Who has the world's largest economy?
USA, although if treated as a single entity the EU is signifigantly larger.

When did the World Trade Organization start?

What are the examples of perfect competition in economics?
AnswerI have found one example on wikipedia where it says that ebay auctions can be seen as perfectly competitive. There are very...

What are the types of market economies?
Free-Market Economy (or Liberal Market Economy): An economic system comprised mainly of privately-owned enterprise (businesses),...

How does outsourcing affect the economy?
In principle, outsourcing makes things a little cheaper and should therefore increase profitabilty. However, some things need to...

Is zero inflation a good thing?
Yes and no, and here's why: Inflation is not a good thing because it slows down economic growth. For example, when inflation is...

What perceives the global economic system as responsible for the less developed global south countries dependence on and exploitation by the wealthy global north countries?

What were the economic causes of fascism in Spain?
If what you mean is "what were the economic causes of the social conflict and unrest which led to the civil war, of which the...

How many African-Americans currently live in poverty?
According to www.info.please there are about 39.2 million blacks in America of whom 24.7% have incomes below the federal poverty...

Who decides what goods services will be produced and sold in the US?
Mostly the American consumer. The US government also plays a large role in the nation's economy, constituting roughly 36% of GDP...

Who is Adam Smith?
Which one? You probably mean the Scottish philosopher/Economist. He is most famous for defining modern economic theory in a book...

What is globalisation and what are its effects on the Indian economy?
Largely positive. Globalization has brought many jobs and large sums of investment to India.

How has money evolved into the currency we use today?
Money as we know it, paper money (which will henceforth be called by its technical term, fiat - French for "fake" - money),...

How did the United States benefit from the World War I when it first started?
economic benefits were from the sale of exports to countries at war with Germany

How do reductions in government spending affect the economy?
Generally the government is very good at wasting money and resources so less spending, generally speaking, by the government...

What are the advantages of saving money?
Answer1.) You won't have to pay tens of thousands in interest when you borrow money. 2.) There's always some emergency that pops...

Is Egypt a rich nation?
No it isn't. Though this depends on how you define "rich." Egypt is quite affluent by African standards but remains a developing...

Why is the study of economics important?

Which countries are in the European Union?
There are 27 countries in the European Union. There were six founding members of what was then called the European Economic...

How do you calculate the equilibrium level of income?
you calculate it by adding consumption, investments, government spending, net exports and subtracting imports. EX:...

How do you create demand for your products or services?
Creating DemandThis has been a controversial question in economics. Some economists have argued that this is the role of...

How does the economics of welfare relate to the scarcity of resources?
Economics need to be studied to see where the economy is going, what can be removed from the economy and what can be added in...

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