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Mostrando postagens com marcador Gadgets. Mostrar todas as postagens

quarta-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2011

Sorry iPads first generation: voces se apressaram demais...

Uma constatação que é também uma dica: nunca se precipitar sobre uma novidade, por mais atrativa que ela seja ou pareça.
Ela sempre vai ter alguns probleminhas que serão corrigidos em seis meses, na geração seguinte, e sempre serão mais caras do que o sucessor, e menos eficientes também.
Era o que deveria acontecer com os iPads. Por isso eu ainda não comprei o meu.
Estava esperando este anúncio...
Paulo Roberto de Almeida

Report: iPad 2 in production
By Hayley Tsukayama
The Washington Post, February 9, 2011

A report from the Wall Street Journal says that Apple has begun production of the next generation of the iPad. The Wall Street Journal, citing people familiar with the matter, claims that the new tablet will be thinner and lighter, will sport at least one camera for video conferencing and will have better graphics and a more memory. The iPad 2's display, however, will reportedly be the about the same as its first-generation predecessor. While there are no pricing specifics, the report indicates that prices for the new tablets will be about the same as the current iPad, $499-$829.

That seems to confirm many of the rumors circulating about the tablet, though having "at least one camera" doesn't definitively indicate that the new tablet will have a rear-facing camera, as has been widely reported for months.

The sources also said the iPad will be available on Verizon and AT&T from its launch, but not on T-Mobile or Sprint's networks.

Apple is heading into a much different tablet market with the iPad 2 than with the original iPad, facing a crowded lineup of tablets designed, essentially, to take on the Apple device head-to-head.

One likely challenger, the Motorola Xoom, is reportedly set to launch by the end of the month for $799.