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domingo, 5 de maio de 2024

A hipocrisia religiosa-criminosa de Putin precisa ser denunciada - Yasmina Lombaert (via X)

 From: Yasmina @yasminalombaert 

So f*cking hypocrite

The Russian demon at the Easter service at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, led by KGB agent Kirill and accompanied by another mafia gangster, Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin. 

The Russian dictator breathes orthodoxy reminiscent of the time when tsars were declared God-appointed rulers of Russia.

The Russian Orthodox Church is complicit in aiding and abetting the territorial ambitions of one man, all for the greater glory of self-interest and the accumulation of territory, wealth and power.

And yet, the church, indeed all of Christianity, is based on the teachings of Christ, heralded as the “Prince of Peace.” It was Christ whom people asked what the greatest commandments were. His answer was simple to “love God unconditionally” and to “love your neighbour as yourself.”

Waging a war aimed at unilateral conquest was never part of Christ's message. Killing people, kidnapping children, bombing schools, destroying civilian power grids, and destroying hospital complexes full of patients are not really actions that lend themselves to the way of Christ.

An insult to real Christians.