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terça-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2011

Ditadura brasileira sustentou ditadura chilena

Brazilian newspaper reports Brazil protected Chilean interests during Pinochet era

By Associated Press, The Washington Post, December 12, 2011

RIO DE JANEIRO — Telegrams exchanged between the Brazilian and Chilean governments in the early 1970s show Brazil’s military leaders supported Augusto Pinochet financially and diplomatically during the dictator’s first years in power.
An analysis of the contents of 266 telegrams was published Monday by the Folha de S. Paulo newspaper.
The newspaper looked at correspondence sent between 1973, when Pinochet took power, and 1976.
During this time, Brazil extended a loan of $50 million to Chile’s Central Bank, stepped up purchases of Chilean exports such as copper, and gave the country a line of credit to purchase Brazilian goods.
The correspondence also says Brazil looked after Chilean interests in countries such as Mexico and Yugoslavia, which had condemned the coup.
Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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