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Este blog trata basicamente de ideias, se possível inteligentes, para pessoas inteligentes. Ele também se ocupa de ideias aplicadas à política, em especial à política econômica. Ele constitui uma tentativa de manter um pensamento crítico e independente sobre livros, sobre questões culturais em geral, focando numa discussão bem informada sobre temas de relações internacionais e de política externa do Brasil. Para meus livros e ensaios ver o website: www.pralmeida.org. Para a maior parte de meus textos, ver minha página na plataforma Academia.edu, link: https://itamaraty.academia.edu/PauloRobertodeAlmeida.

Mostrando postagens com marcador Caroline Shaw. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador Caroline Shaw. Mostrar todas as postagens

sábado, 10 de agosto de 2013

Rothschilds and Brazil: An Introduction to Sources in The Rothschild Archive - Caroline Shaw (LARR)

ROTHSCHILDS AND BRAZIL: An Introduction to Sources in The Rothschild Archive
Caroline Shaw
The Rothschild Archive, London
Latin American Research Review, Vol. 40, No. 1, February 2005
© 2005 by the University of Texas Press, P.O. Box 7819, Austin, TX 78713-7819

Abstract: N. M. Rothschild & Sons (NMR), the banking house which the Frankfurt-born Nathan Mayer Rothschild (1777–1836) began operating from New Court in London in 1809 and which is continued to this day by his descendants, has a long history of involvement in Brazil. Extensive documentation of this history is preserved in The Rothschild Archive in London, where material up to 1930 is available for consultation. The firm’s initial business with Brazil was in merchant banking activities and bullion dealing, but in 1855 it became the Brazilian government’s financial agent in London and went on to handle the government’s borrowing in the London capital markets and to be closely concerned with the country’s fiscal, commercial, and exchange rate policy. With the bank at the heart of the development of Brazilian public finance, The Rothschild Archive is an important resource for an understanding of this aspect of Brazilian economic and political history, as well as the history of British informal imperialism and emerging patterns of globalization.