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Mostrando postagens com marcador There is NO alternative to the defeat of Putin. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador There is NO alternative to the defeat of Putin. Mostrar todas as postagens

sábado, 8 de junho de 2024

There is NO alternative to the defeat of Putin - Immanuel Niven

There is no alternative to a clear VICTORY FOR UKRAINE.

Immanuel Niven, June 7, 2024

❗️ALBERT EINSTEIN once said "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough". He was right. So here is the reality (including political conclusions), simply explained:

1) There is NO WAR without supply routes.

➡️ So of course Ukraine must receive weapons to hit and destroy supply routes.

2) There is NO WAR without an economy which makes this war financeable.

➡️ So of course Ukraine must strike targets which are related to the Russian oil and gas industry.

3) There is NO POSSIBLE APPEASEMENT with Putin (his megalomaniac expansion plans into Eastern Europe are stipulated in his doctrine "Russkiy Mir"), just as there was no possible appeasement with Hitler (his megalomaniac expansion plans into Eastern Europe were stipulated in "Mein Kampf").

➡️ So of course REAL PEACE is only possible through a victory for Ukraine.

4) There is NO REASON FOR BEING NAIVE. Dictators only understand the language of strength.

➡️ So of course, Putin violated the “Budapest Memorandum”, ignored the “Minsk agreements”, invaded Ukraine and started the most brutal massacre on European soil since World War II, because he interpreted the completely naive “friendly behavior” of Western politicians until 2022 as weakness, as an invitation to start his military aggression.

➡️ Conclusion: don't be naive again. Putin cannot be appeased. He cannot be trusted. He can only be defeated. 

5) Putin is a poker player who can only bluff. He can only utter threats, he can be loud and, like a bully in the schoolyard, he can try to intimidate the little ones. But he cannot carry out his threats, because Russia is far too inferior to NATO (besides, herein lies a reason why he must be defeated NOW, because assuming he is not defeated in Ukraine, he can spend the next 2-5 years rearming himself, and when he feels ready for the next war, God help us all).

➡️ So of course there is no reason to pursue a policy which is not aimed at a victory for Ukraine. No reason to believe in a bluff. No reason to be intimidated by the bully.

❗️Russia is big, but Putin is not strong. 

You just have to compare his goals (which he tried to reach within a few weeks) with reality. These are the facts regarding Putin's real "strength":

▪️Does he have air superiority over Ukraine?

No. On the contrary, the extent of his superiority is diminishing.

▪️Is Ukraine "demilitarized"?

No. On the contrary.

▪️ Has he prevented the expansion of NATO?

No. On the contrary.

▪️Has he restored Russia's imperial greatness?

No. On the contrary, he is now just "the little partner of big China".

So in short:

Only a clear victory for Ukraine can

▪️minimize the duration of the war,

▪️prevent a future war on NATO territory,

▪️weaken the China-Iran-Russia axis, and

▪️lead to real peace.

These are the facts, simply explained, just as Einstein's quote encourages us to deal with complex issues. Once we can explain these issues simply, we can draw the right conclusions.

The conclusion of this post is quite clear:

❗️In the best interest of humanity, there is no alternative to a CLEAR VICTORY FOR UKRAINE.

#Russia #Putin



