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sábado, 9 de julho de 2011

O caso dos milionarios desaparecidos: chamem o Sherlock do Revenue Service

The Strange Disappearance of 800,000 American Millionaires

Since 2007 the number of U.S. millionaires fell by 800,000. Yet, over 3,800,000 new millionaires suddenly appeared in other countries!

You might think the real estate bust explains the disappearance of these millionaires... but that isn’t the whole story.

So why are Americans getting poorer as others are getting richer?

The answer may surprise you...

The Strange Disappearance of 800,000 American Millionaires

A recent study on U.S. wealth by the Spectrem Group concluded there were 8.4 million American millionaires at the end of 2010.
That’s 800,000 less than in 2007!
You might think the real estate bust explains the disappearance of these 800,000 millionaires… but that isn’t the whole story.
And that’s why this phenomenon has begun making headlines…
But there’s something peculiar happening that isn’t mentioned in any of these stories…

The number of millionaires in other parts of the world soared by 3.8 million over the same time.

So why is the wealth of Americans vanishing while the rest of the world gets richer?

That’s what you’ll discover over the next ten minutes. I’ll also show you where American millionaires are reappearing… why they are now happier and wealthier than ever… and how you can join them, no matter how much money you have.

Frankly, I believe what I’m about to tell you will change your life forever...

Why the Greatest Wealth Migration in U.S. History Has Begun

If you’re like most of us you’ve worked your whole life and paid more than your fair share of taxes…

But what do you really get in return? Let me show you…

You get an unfair tax system where 51% of Americans paid ZERO taxes in 2009… leaving the rest of us to shoulder nearly 82% of the federal tax burden.

You get an overbearing government that has the nerve to spy and pry into your private life, a brazen violation of the U.S. Constitution.

And you get the dollar’s collapse - in effect a hidden tax - that has destroyed the average American’s spending power.

Just take a look at this chart… it’s plain as day:
The dollar’s demise has contributed to health care costs jumping 25%... food prices rising 14% and the cost of gasoline zooming up from $2 to $3.75 a gallon in the past five years alone.

In short, everything we buy costs more and more every year. And it’s important you take action to stop the bleeding now.

As many regular Americans have begun to do…

A Mass Exodus from America

It’s estimated that over 6.5 million Americans are leaving (or plan to leave) the country each year.

According to a Zogby Research study, a massive and silent migration is underway. Families are packing their bags… and leaving America at the rate of 742-per hour!

They realize they have to take matters into their own hands to find opportunities that no longer exist here in America.

A 2008 US News & World Report article confirms, “A wave of native born citizens are going abroad in search of new challenges, opportunities, and more congenial ways of life.”

Some are seeking full-time residences… others find part-time tropical vacation homes where they can live like royalty for $20,000 a year… while some move their businesses to slash their taxes.

As you may have heard…

The late Sir John Templeton – a self-made billionaire – jumped ship in 1962 to become a citizen of The Bahamas, and the United Kingdom.

For good reason… It’s estimated that he saved $100 million in U.S. taxes when he sold the well-known international investment fund that still bears his name.

But he’s not the only well-known American who left for greener pastures…

John (Ippy) Dorrance III, heir to the Campbell Soup fortune found shelter in Ireland…

J. Mark Mobius, a leading emerging market investment fund manager went to Germany…

The head of Carnival Cruise lines, Ted Arison, came to the US in the 50s but reclaimed his Israeli citizenship because of estate taxes…

And the heir to the Dart Container fortune left for Belize…

But what most people don’t know is…

It’s not just the super-rich abandoning ship. Everyday, middle-class folks – who’ve enjoyed some success in life, are following in their footsteps.

Martin Feldstein, chairman of President Reagan’s Council of Economic Advisers, now a Harvard economist, says: "Individuals can avoid unfavorable taxes by migrating to jurisdictions that offer more favorable tax conditions”

And that’s exactly what’s happening.

The recent U.S. Census reports that in 2010, the number of Americans who gave up their U.S. citizenship doubled from the year before!